2021-06-212021-06-212021-04-20ROSENZWEIG, P. Q. Princesa, pra quê? Princesas, pra quem? Reflexos e reflexividades da disneyzação. 2021. 310 f. Tese (Doutorado em Arte e Cultura Visual) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11440Guided by the phrase of Simone de Beauvoir that says: “nobody is born a woman, she becomes a woman”, I place myself in front of the academic mirror, I review trajectories I have beliefs and I assume my passion for visual arts. Willing to understand, from the point of view of Cultural Studies, the media relations of power linked to Disneyization, with attention to the visualities of princesses, I find my artistic expression on the screens and finally, I take my place of speech, as a woman, a Brazilian researcher, teacher, writer and audiovisual producer. I needed to understand what mobilizes thousands of women to mirror their lives in a hegemonic patriarchal culture, governed by imposing aesthetic and behavioral standards and engendered by visible social markers of difference, such as machismo, sexism, ethnicism, fatophobia. The creative process made me transpose the theoretical territorialities of visual culture, wander through identities in flux and reflect on what the visualities of princesses are and who they serve. What do women look for when mirroring their lives to these visualities? Through the magnifying glass of intersectional feminist studies, I take as my starting point the analysis of the screens of Disney cinematographic productions (1937- 2017) and of the media-images re-signified by the Disney Princess franchise (2019 - 2020). Without phenomenological or reception intentions, the theme inspires and guides me in the conduct of the art form that I define as poiesis of a transitory nature, essayistic under construction under contemporary contours, which flows through diverse speeches and performances. Using hybrid narrative devices, I propose the composition an art of contemporary post-production, a poetic and reflective documentary film that addresses the backing of Disneyization of culture in Brazil from the speeches of different social actors, bringing to light the strength of reflexivity of the images of Disney princesses on the female behavior and the possible reflexes of this visuality in the personal and professional life. And the result of this academic research in the arts located in the line of artistic poetics and creation processes of the PPGACV / UGF that transits theoretical nuances referring to the other lines of research of the program and is surprising both for the visual mannerism of decontextualization and recontextualization of the images of princesses used strategically by Disney directed at women, as well as by the linguistic resources of persuasion engendered in the temporal updating of the narratives aiming to generate new flows of identities. I view art form production as artistic poiesis, not as a cultural product. The Princess narrative, what? Princesses, for whom? It is essence, extract, an art form that addresses the nuances, reflexes and reflexivity of Disneyzação, from the perspective of social researchers, teachers of visual arts, artists, designers and mothers.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalCultura visualDisneyzaçãoPrincesasFeminismoDocumentárioVisual cultureDisneyizationPrincessesFeminismDocumentaryLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::ARTES::CINEMAPrincesa, pra quê? Princesas, pra quem? Reflexos e reflexividades da disneyzaçãoPrincess, for what? Princesses, for whom? Disneyization reflexes and reflexivitiesTese