2023-10-252023-10-252023-08-23BORGES NETO, F. Futebol callejero e produção do saber escolar na perspectiva crítico-superadora. 2023. 95 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Física em Rede) - Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/13079The present study came from the interest in understanding how the proposal of callejero soccer (street soccer) can inspire the production of soccer as a school knowledge, produced with the principles of critical-overcoming pedagogy. Due to the importance of the sports phenomenon in schools’ Physical Education classes, this study is relevant, as it presents a tool, the Didactic Unit, possible for a different pedagogical treatment with the teaching of sports at school. This work has its predominant moment as a qualitative research, and at first, we seek the instituting approaches between critical-overcoming pedagogy and callejero soccer. The second moment can be expressed by a field research carried out at the Raimunda de Oliveira Passos Municipal School, which is part of the municipal education network of Anápolis, using as a data collection instrument, a semi-structured interview to characterize the participants and a focus group with twelve students from the final years of elementary school. The third moment was the construction of the educational product that, in short, starts from the problematics found in the school reality and seeks a teaching methodology that qualitatively overcomes these problems. We came to the conclusion that callejero soccer, as a little explored proposal, approaches the principles of critical-overcoming pedagogy, in the sense of understanding that the teaching of technique in the hegemonic way keeps students away from classes, whether due to frustrations resulting from difficulties or by early specialization that limits their motor skills, provoked by lack of interest on the part of male and female students. At school, callejero soccer acquires a dimension of social work by providing principles that allow an assessment of both soccer as a fundamental element of social practice, and the subject itself that reproduces or does not guarantee ethical and moral values. For this, during classes, children must acquire the techniques and tactical aspects that make up callejero soccer, and through this challenge their own existence as social, historical and critical subjects, in addition to promoting the full development of all their human capacities. Finally, there is no single approach to teaching football at school and callejero soccer is yet another methodology that has approaches to critical-overcoming pedagogy, and in this way, we provide reflection for the pedagogical practice in teaching situations, aiming at humanization of the subjects.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalEsporteFutebol callejeroOrganização do trabalho pedagógicoSportOrganization of pedagogical workStreet footballCIENCIAS DA SAUDE::EDUCACAO FISICAFutebol callejero e produção do saber escolar na perspectiva crítico-superadoraStreet football and the production of school knowledge from a critical-overcoming perspectiveDissertação