2014-07-292010-03-112010-02-19SOUSA, Bertone de Oliveira. A Historical Perspective about Construction of Religious Identity - The Assembly of God in Imperatriz MA (1986-2009). 2010. 166 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2359Born at the beginning of the twentieth century, Pentecostalism has grown largely in Brazil, especially in recent decades. The city of Imperatriz, located in the southwestern state of Maranhão, is an example of how this form of religiosity is expanding. In this work, the Assembly of God is studied by stand out as the largest Protestant denomination, which has the second largest temple in this protestant denomination in Latin America and over a hundred and thirty-affiliated churches in the urban and rural. Its growth coincided with urban sprawl, economic and demographic of the city, especially from the 1970s. In this context the inclusion of Protestantism in the Brazilian backwoods, the institution started a large project of religious proselytism, competing with Roman Catholicism and engendering a religious identity Pentecostal fundamentalist content. Therefore, we seek to understand their origins, dissemination strategies and characteristics of their identity and their relationship to otherness (Catholicism and Whitsun) and the political field as well as scan their world view with regard to social and cultural issues, still problematic to the Pentecostals, such as secularism, abortion, atheism, among others. To this end, it is the approach of Cultural Studies and New Cultural History, which takes advantage to understand the symbolic exchanges occurring within it along its trajectory and the posture of denial of the secular culture. We can see that the institution has an ambiguous relationship to modernity, rejects their values, but uses its technological achievements to expand. Moreover, changes inside its history and its interaction with the events that reflect the changes that took place in Brazilian history have caused large changes in various postures adopted by his leadership, the decision to insert themselves in the media in order to compete with rival Pentecostal, the adoption of the Gospel of Health and Prosperity and closer ties with the political field, which brought many benefits in the social and religious fieldsapplication/pdfAcesso AbertoAssembleia de DeuspentecostalismoImperatrizIdentidades religiosasAssembly of GodPentecostalismImperatrizReligious IdentityCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAUma Perspectiva Histórica Sobre Construções de Identidades Religiosas A Assembleia de Deus em Imperatriz MA (1986-2009)A Historical Perspective about Construction of Religious Identity - The Assembly of God in Imperatriz MA (1986-2009)Dissertação