2015-12-162015-08-14LIMA JÚNIOR, J. A vítima como sujeito de direitos: a “chuva” de agrotóxico em Rio Verde-GO. 2015. 110 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direitos Humanos) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5053In May 2013, conducting aerial spraying of pesticides for agricultural aviation company in Rio Verde ended up poisoning dozens of people, including students and teachers, who were in school in the rural area of the municipality. The objective of this study is to analyze the position of the victims of the event in the light of human rights in an interdisciplinary context. Therefore, redid the historical background for crime victims, since its initial role, through forgetfulness phase until we get to the actual motion search for its "rediscovery", originated in vitimológicos studies after World War II. Recognizing the need for us to ensure the victim the rights of subject position in solving the conflicts in which we see involved, we expanded the focus of discussion, extrapolating the context of criminal proceedings. Thus, we make use of principiológico chaining produced by studies that deal with transitional justice to analyze the process of rehabilitation of victims of the subject matter case in its entirety, that is, from the perspective of accountability of perpetrators, the economic reparation, truth / memory and public policy. This type of approach has allowed us to discuss the victim of the event in its entirety, and thus discuss human rights considering the inseparability and indivisibility that they are inherent. Finally, we seek to contribute to the academic colloquium and the critical view of education about the need for aprimorarmos instruments and victim rehabilitation policies.application/pdfAcesso AbertoVítimaDireitos humanosInterdisciplinaridadeVictimHuman rightsInterdisciplinarityCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::DIREITOA vítima como sujeito de direitos: a “chuva” de agrotóxico em Rio Verde-GOThe victim as rights subject: the pesticide "rain" in Rio Verde-GODissertação