2014-07-292010-08-182010-05-21MELO JÚNIOR, Carlos Mariano. Influence of wind driven and architectural details on the durability of facades rendering. 2010. 204 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1356The durability of the facades is related to performance against the deleterious effects of climatic elements, among them the wind driven rain, and the effects provided by the elements presents in building facades. Understanding these aspects is important for the prevention of pathological manifestations, increasing the capacity of the building to perform his functions for a long period. The presence of architectural and construction details can act as protective barriers or conductive elements of moisture from rain, well as a platform for deposition of pollutants and microorganisms, causing staining of the facades. Thus, this paper aims to point out the influences of wind driven rain and elements of facades of the durability of the facades of buildings located in Goiania-GO, related them to the cardinal points North, South, East and West. Methodologically, the paper seeks to: creation of the first maps of wind-driven rain to the city of Goiania, with data obtained from the National Institute of Meteorology in the period of 2002 to 2008; carrying out measurements of surfaces moisture on the four facades of the local building with mixed mortar rendering; data collection of cases of infiltration along the technical assistance for builders, relating them to their respective guidelines; identification of microorganisms collected on the façade elements and visual inspection with photographic record of the facades staining due to the inefficiency of the architectural and construction details. As main results, it was found that the infiltration and staining occur differently for each façade, due mainly, the specific climate of the city of Goiania. From the analysis of the results of the indices of wind driven rain, it was found that the facades oriented toward the North are more susceptible to moisture penetration by cracks and openings, fact also confirmed by the survey of cases of infiltration. For the identification of microorganisms, it was observed that facades face South tend to favor the growth of fungi, while the others showed the growth of phototrophs, justified by the increased incidence of the sunlight on these facades and the staining described generically as dirt due the pollutions are also the presence of microorganisms. From the standpoint of staining, observed an increased formation of spots near the region of window sill and dripping on the facades facing the South direction and greater presence of staining on the parapets of the facades facing the North directions. The fantômes occurred more frequently in walls of the South facades.application/pdfAcesso AbertoDurabilidadeFachadaChuva dirigidaInfiltraçãoManchamentoDurabilityFacadesWind driver rainInfiltrationStaining.CNPQ::ENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA CIVIL::CONSTRUCAO CIVILInfluência da chuva dirigida e dos detalhes arquitetônicos na durabilidade de revestimentos de fachadaInfluence of wind driven and architectural details on the durability of facades renderingDissertação