2022-08-182022-08-182020-09-25JESUS, J. J. F. Terra vermelha: uma analise da atuação do poder judiciário frente aos crimes de grilagem e conflitos agrários no caso condomínio estrondo na fronteira do Matopiba. 2020. 323 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Agrário) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12275The traditional people called Geraizeiros are descendants of Canudos, who found in the Cerrado lands a place to live. Through their relationship with the land and their way of living, that unites godparent and relatives, they enjoy shared areas without fences. Although they do not call themselves quilombolas, the traits and customs of most Geraizeiros refer to their African origin. For more than a century occupying the region of Matopiba, the Geraizeiros had their lives modified with the arrival of the pioneer front, represented, in this specific case, by immigrants from the southern region of Brazil. Armed with titles of ownership over these lands and with the endorsement of the various state incentives aimed at the development of Agribusiness, these southern immigrants gradually occupied the cities of western Bahia, advancing until reaching the headwaters of the upper Rio Preto. This migration process triggered conflicts, alterities, and all kinds of human rights violations. The Geraizeiros people have their conception of law shaped through the strong and intense relationship with land ownership, which is their landmark and identity. Agribusiness, in turn, protects itself under the cover of development and ownership provided by the title. In this sense, this work seeks to apprehend, through the analysis of the various documented events, sentences, reports and public hearings, the performance of the Judiciary in the evidence of the occurrence of land grabbing and violence in the farm condominium called Estrondo against the Geraizeiros people. The main theoretical research of José de Souza Martins is the research. It begins with the genesis of the historical process of land occupation in Brazil and the land chaos, which are the land registries and exposure of the subject of land grabbing. In chapter two, we present the individuals who make up each front in the frontier scenario and their conceptions of Law. In chapter three we discuss the contents of the reports, maps of conflict, public hearings, sentences and judicial decisions, with the intention of demonstrating, through the analysis of the specific case, the application of the discussions in the previous chapters, which is, the land chaos and the clash of fronts at the border. For the construction of this research, a qualitative approach was used, using interdisciplinary and documentary bibliographic sources, especially with regards to the sentences and interlocutory decisions applied by the Agrarian Courts, where the Geraizeiros' possession maintenance actions were distributed. Finally, it was possible to understand that the entire process of colonialist occupation of the country, the repeated practices of land title ownership fraud, the vulnerability of the right of possession of traditional peoples, the capitalist economic interest of the latifundium and the poor performance of members of the Judiciary Power, resulted in serious violations of law and irremediable consequences for those who try to keep their ancestry alive in the life and memory of their people.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalFronteiraGrilagem de terrasPossePropriedadeFrontierLand grilagemPossessionPropertyCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::DIREITO::DIREITO PRIVADO::DIREITO CIVILTerra vermelha: uma analise da atuação do poder judiciário frente aos crimes de grilagem e conflitos agrários no caso condomínio estrondo na fronteira do MatopibaTerra vermelha: an analysis of the performance of the judicial court in the crimes of grilagem and agricultural conflicts in the case condominium estrrondo on the frontier of MatopibaDissertação