2014-08-292013-09-06SILVA, Rafael Siqueira. Os indícios de um processo de formação: a organização do ensino no clube de matemática. 2013. 213 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação em Ciências e Matemática) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2964Understand education in the formation of the individual pervades by understanding the ways of effecting their participation goals for all of its own as a human being and belonging. In this perspective the educational process must be based on full development of psychic abilities of individuals through the appropriation of cultural goods produced by the generations that preceded them. Thus it is only through an education organization concerned with such issues that are consolidated in pedagogical actions aimed at humanizing education. Therefore it is essential to outline proposals for the training of teachers able to implement such issues in dealing directly with the classroom. Guided by these question this research presents the set of investigative actions of the transformations in the process of organizing the teaching of teachers participating in the project Math Club at Federal University of Goiás in 2011. Based on the theoretical principles of the Cultural-Historical Theory and Activity Theory, Math Club project was created with the goal of providing a teacher training that adds these values. Thus this research develops in the context of participation in the Math Club three teachers in basic education activities in the municipality of Goiânia. The qualitative research is delineated from the principles of historical and dialectical materialism and effective through a series of interventions organized the teaching experiment. About it obtaining the information is given throughout the process divided into initial interviews, group meetings, observation of actions in schools, moments of reflection and final interviews. Such information has been systematized into three units of analysis that are divided into: the particular mode of organization of pedagogical actions in Math Club, the construction of a collective identity for pedagogical action, the formation of new meanings attributed to being/doing teacher . Conclusively inferred that the actions of teachers that indicate changes in your organization are configured in education: incorporating elements lined humanizing education; construction of a teaching identity collective; reproduction and / or replication as attempts to satisfy new needs; and promoting changes in its reality as a result of the production of new meanings attributed to being / doing teacher.application/pdfAcesso abertoFormação de professoresOrganização do ensinoClube da matemáticaTeoria histórico-culturalTeacher educationTeaching organizationMath clubCultural- historical theoryEDUCACAO::TOPICOS ESPECIFICOS DE EDUCACAOOs indícios de um processo de formação: a organização do ensino no clube de matemáticaThe marks of a education process: the teaching organization in math clubDissertação