2016-12-132016-05-30CASTRO, R. S. de. Variação genética quantitativa e estrutura populacional de Hymenaea stigonocarpa (Mart. Ex Hayne) no cerrado. 2016. 87 f. Tese (Doutorado em Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6573This study aimed to analyze the quantitative genetic variation within and between natural subpopulations of Hymenaea stigonocarpa (Mart. Ex Hayne), fruit tree from the Cerrado region. Six mother trees were sampled in each of the 25 subpopulations from the states of Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais and Bahia, covering a large area of the Cerrado biome. In each tree they were collected twenty fruits, which served for evaluation of biometric data of fruits and seeds. Twenty seeds of each mother tree were sown in a nursery, with five seeds per plot in four randomized blocks, constituting a test of provenances and progenies of half sibs. Analysis of variance were performed using the hierarchical model for the characters of initial development. With the produced seedlings it was planted a germplasm collection in vivo in Escola de Agronomia of Universidade Federal de Goias.The major phenotypic variation coefficients in fruits and seeds were found in the characters number of seed (47,87%) weight of the pulp (47.74%) and fruit weight (44.06%). The analysis of variance of the physical characteristics of the fruits and seeds revealed the existence of significant variation for all characters in all levels analyzed: among subpopulations, between mother trees within subpopulations and between fruit within mother tree. Of the ten characters analyzed in six the greatest variation was found between fruit within mother tree. Significant variability was found between subpopulations and between progenies within subpopulations for most quantitative traits studied, showing a great genetic variability of the sampled material, which is important for sustainability of the species and future breeding program. The heritability estimates of traits were also high, indicating success in the selection of desirable traits in a breeding program for the species. The comparative analysis between the estimated value of the QST and FST index showed no significant difference for eight of ten characters analyzed, demonstrating that there is no evidence of the action of natural selection in the differentiation between the studied subpopulations and that the differentiation found can be explained by the action of genetic drift combined with gene flow restriction between subpopulations. The value of correlation coefficient between phenotypic and geographical matrix was 0.164 (p <0.05) by Mantel test, indicating a weak correlation between the phenotypic subpopulations means and the distances between them.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCerradoConservação ex situJatobáGenética quantitativaCerradoEx situ conservationJatobaQuantitative geneticGENETICA::GENETICA VEGETALVariação genética quantitativa e estrutura populacional de Hymenaea stigonocarpa (Mart. Ex Hayne) no cerradoQuantitative genetic variation and population structure of Hymenaea stigonocarpa (Mart. Ex Hayne) in the cerradoTese