2019-08-022019-07-05MACHADO, Vinícius Felipe Leal. Um colégio para Campinas: educação e modernidade na cidade que virou bairro (1947-1961). 2019. 215 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9866This research investigates the process of creation and installation of the first state public high school in the district of Campinas, located in Goiânia-GO. This work was conducted from a perspective strengthened within the field of the History of School Institutions, which presupposes that schools inevitably dialogue with the society that surrounds it in a permanent way, constructing, in itself, and around itself, a culture of its own. This one, in part, reflects the surrounding social reality and, in part, transforms it, emanating for the community its influence through its constituent elements. Therefore, we sought to understand the cultural situation in which schooling and school education developed in the Campinas region, since it was a small village, until the creation of Ginásio Estadual de Campinas, in 1947. Installed in 1950, the gymnasium was later renamed Colégio Estadual de Campinas, and finally renamed, in 1961, with the name that made it famous among Goiânia’s students and families from the 1960s onwards: Colégio Estadual Professor Pedro Gomes. In this sense, we trace, through the history of Campinas, which had been marked by great material precariousness in most of the time, the conditioning factors that made the creation of this college an important modernizing landmark for the ancient city that ceded its lands for the edification of the new state's capital. Therefore, we present a view based on the interpretation that the understanding of the history of the foundation of this college necessarily passes through the history of its place, being the facts linked to the construction of Goiânia, central elements in this narrative.application/pdfAcesso AbertoColégio Estadual Professor Pedro GomesCampinasCampininha das floresEducação escolarModenirzaçãoSchool educationModernizationCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAUm colégio para Campinas: educação e modernidade na cidade que virou bairro (1947-1961)A high school for Campinas: education and modernity in the city that became a districtDissertação