2021-12-282021-12-282021-09-28BAIA, T. R. Análise da eficiência das unidades de conservação da América do Sul e Caribe para a proteção das espécies de cetáceos. 2021. 46 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biodiversidade Animal) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11806Cetaceans, popularly known as dolphins, whales and dolphins, play very important roles in ecosystems, which are key-species, environmental engineers and umbrella species. However, unfortunately, it is still a group that suffers from several anthropic or natural impacts, which directly affect its protection and conservation. Thus, this work analyzed the efficiency of protection of Protected Areas in South America and the Caribbean for the protection of species belonging to this group. This analysis took place through the GAP Analysis and the IUCN Red Species list, in which, according to the parameters followed, only two species are above this percentage, two have intermediate values and fifty-three are still far from reaching it. In addition, when relating to the IUCN categories, there is no direct relationship. Subsequently, two types of analytical subdivisions were proposed: the first includes the global distribution of species, demonstrating that there is no difference in conservation between the presence or absence of species in the study area. The second is based on a specific cut of the UC's in South America and the Caribbean, showing that there is a difference, where the species that have a more significant presence in the UC's have a higher level of protection. Finally, some measures are proposed to try to change this reality and aim for the efficiency of the PAs and the conservation of species.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalCetáceosConservaçãoProteçãoUnidade de conservaçãoAmérica do SulCaribeLista vermelha de espécies ameaçadasAnálise de lacunasCetaceansConservationProtectionConservation unitSouth AmericaCaribbeanRed list of endangered speciesGap analysisCIENCIAS BIOLOGICASAnálise da eficiência das unidades de conservação da América do Sul e Caribe para a proteção das espécies de cetáceosAnalysis of the efficiency of protected areas in South America and the Caribbean for the protection of cetacean speciesDissertação