2022-02-222022-02-222021-12-10MATTEUCCI, Janice de Almeida. “Meu destino é cantar” as performances e memórias do grupo raízes do museu da Associação dos Idosos do Brasil. 2021. 183 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Performances Culturais) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11895The present of the past is memory, the present of the present is perception, the present of the future is expectation. This phrase by Saint Augustine points out the paths taken in my research, the memories of the past today in the present in the Performances of Coral Raízes and the Spinners of the Museum of the Association of the Elderly of Brazil in urban spaces. The perceptions about the transformations that they have taken along their trajectory up to the present day and the expectations of the future in times of pandemic. In the drawers of your memories, discover the repertoire of your songs, some composed by members of the group and the different places where these performances took place. How, where and with whom they learned to sing and play musical instruments. The Museum of the Association, reference address in the work with the elderly person in Goiania and the social museology developed there that comes with the function of opening doors to the community where it participates in the development and presence of popular culture present in its Knowledge, Doing and Living, intangible heritage of the Museum. The studies it is wall carried out through field, documentary and literature research on the topics covered, such as old age, social assistance, memory, museums and cultural performancesAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalPerformances culturaisIdoso(a)MemóriasMuseuMuseologiaElderlyMemoriesMuseumMuseologyCultural performancesCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::MUSEOLOGIA“Meu destino é cantar” as performances e memórias do grupo raízes do museu da Associação dos Idosos do Brasil“My destiny is to sing” - the performances and memories of the roots group of the Associação dos Idosos do Brasil museumDissertação