2014-07-292012-03-192011-08-12LACERDA JÚNIOR, Benjamin de. Territories and Public Policy Space Agribusiness in the city of Rio Verde - GO. 2011. 265 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciencias Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2743The research entitled Public Policy Space at the Agribusiness municipality of Rio Verde - presents theoretical contributions on public policy and its relationship to geographical space. Emphasizes the role of territory in the land development policies, sector and aims to show the need for coordination between the various dimensions or spatial scales policies: urban, rural, regional, local, global and those with their instruments of state shares her relationship with the hegemonic actors of soy agribusiness as determining factors for a new organization of the territory. In this research, the space is taken as one of the instances of society and placed as a foundation of policies: local, regional, urban, rural, regarded as political space. There is research that the profound changes caused by the developmental policies in the social, economic and political dynamics present new, fresh content to the social and economic Rio Verde - GO. The consolidation of the modernization of agriculture in the 1990s through policy intervention and development contributed to the formation of new orders / disorders land in the county searched. This research examines the process of construction and land use policies in the light of developmental land that allowed the modernization of agriculture in the grasslands of the Midwest Region in the years de1970, 1980, 1990, in the embodiment comprising both technical and scientific in its maintenance, processing, circulation and consumption. Summing up, even in context, power relations between hegemonic actors of soy agribusiness or agro-industrial capital contemporary. Among these power relations, we highlight the role of government and public policy, playing rules, joints, mediations superstructure, affecting financial policies, leading to uneven and combined development or the order / disorder, inclusion / exclusion social space. Pole region of a producer of soybeans, corn, milk, cotton, poultry and pork, Rio Verde - GO has developed rapidly in the 1990s. Driven by policy of continuous expansion of agriculture and processing industries, the municipality is the basis of the reorganization of space and society. In this context we have the territory of Rio Verde as an object of socio political space and that the research gains a multiscale dimension in that territory as a category of spatial analysis, relates how the power and hegemonic actors of agricultural capital. In this context, there is broader purpose as a theoretical proposal to assess the actions of public policy space in modern agriculture and its economic effects, political, social and territorial. During our analysis of public policy space of soy agribusiness, it appears that it is inevitable that a public policy effects bring about the process of production of space: the creation of new objects by creating new attitudes, the change in behavior individuals of every nature and function of social, political and economic. In this sense it is clear that public policies have a "place-territorial space."But long geographical concept of space has been misunderstood and that Resulted in a serious publicpolicyspace.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPolíticas públicas espaciaisgeografia políticaterritórioagronegócioPublic policy espacepolítica geographyterritoryagribusnessCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIATerritórios e políticas públicas espaciais do agronegócio no município de Rio Verde - GOTerritories and Public Policy Space Agribusiness in the city of Rio Verde - GOTese