2014-07-292010-09-022010-05-31NORMANDO, Jullena Santos de Alencar. TV Show for women: citizenship and consumption. 2010. 110 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Sociais Aplicadas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1391This research paper is conceptually based on the consumer society, attended by the mass media in building social relationships and the imagination of individuals. It is centered on the principle that the appeal to the consumption happens to all those who can obtain messages from the media, i.e., mostly all citizens. In this society, the links with political parties, unions and other social actions are not enough to respond to citizens' claims and requirements. The right to consumption is also requested by those included in this context in which consuming seems to be a matter of rights and duties of citizens. Our study carries out the construction process of consumption as part of citizenship. We present a quantitative and qualitative study of the TV show, Mais Você, during the year 2009 which aimed to identify how consumption is presented.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCidadaniaComunicaçãoConsumoProgramas femininosMais VocêCitizenshipCommunicationConsumptionMais VocêComunicação de massa - relações sociais; Comunicação de massa - mídia e consumo; Comunicação de massa - mídia e cidadania; Gênero - programas femininos na televisão; Rede Globo - programa Mais VocêCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANASProgramas femininos na TV: cidadania e consumoTV Show for women: citizenship and consumptionDissertação