2022-04-082022-04-082022-02-22LACERDA, M. S. Plantio de eucalipto e o serviço ecossistêmico de captura e armazenamento de carbono. 2022. 59 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronegócio) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12000Commercial forest plantations are currently an important economic activity of Brazilian agribusiness, through technological, economic and social development, the sector has experienced considerable advances in the last few years. However, there is little information about the relationship of commercial forest plantations and ecosystem services approach. In this way, this analysis aimed to contribute to the environmental, social and economic debate through the principles of ecological economics, in this way, the analysis focused on the carbon sequestration service performed by a commercial forest plantation of eucalyptus, for this it was necessary to follow three fronts for research construction; I) quantification of the carbon stock and carbon equivalent of the plantation through a biophysical assessment carried out in the field, where information on volume, density, biomass, carbon allocation and carbon equivalent (CO2) of the area were collected. II) carried out the economic valuation of the carbon stock provided by the commercial forest plantation of eucalyptus, according to the social carbon cost (CSC), in which it is an important metric capable of translating the service of atmospheric carbon retention into monetary values, because in its construction there is a greater range of social, economic and climatic factors. III) Assessed the contribution of eucalyptus forest plantations on the emissions of the city of Goiânia, the analysis was made through the carbon balance data of the report of the System of Estimates of Emissions and Removals of Greenhouse Gases (SEEG) revealing the impact of planting mitigation and its importance to face the climate crisis underway across the planet. The quantification of carbon stock and carbon equivalent was 108.44 t/ha of carbon and 397.96 t/ha of carbon equivalent, the monetary economic valuation was 2,602.44 US$ per hectare, reaching 130,122.38 US$ for the entire planting according to carbon stock and US$ 9,550.98 per hectare reaching US$ 477,549.13 for the entire planting, according to the valuation of carbon equivalent, the analysis of the contribution of planting, verified a potential for mitigating emissions of the city of Goiânia of 0.90% of the municipality's total emissions in 2018, results that demonstrate the ability of eucalyptus forest plantations as a sink for atmospheric carbon and to offer society well-being, through the allocation service, however as an economic activity, forestry projects need to be deepened, developed and interacted with the ecosystem services they perform.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalMudanças climáticasEconomia ecológicaExternalidade ambientalMitigaçãoEucaliptoClimate changeEcological economyEnvironmental externalityMitigationEucalyptusCIENCIAS AGRARIAS::AGRONOMIA::CIENCIA DO SOLOPlantio de eucalipto e o serviço ecossistêmico de captura e armazenamento de carbonoEucalyptus plantation and ecosystem service of carbon capture and storageDissertação