2023-01-172023-01-172022-11-30GONZAGA JUNIOR, C. A. Desinformação e fake news como modos de negação comunicacional da cidadania: um estudo do perfil @jairbolsonaro. 2022. 478 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Comunicação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12562The objective of this work is to analyze the communication strategy used by Bolsonaro on Twitter between 2020 and 2022 - characterized by a covid-19 pandemic - to try to answer the following question: which elements posted by Bolsonaro on his Twitter profile date back to the communicational denial of the citizenship? In front of that, in the first chapter, the theoretical foundation is supported by the discussion about citizenship. In the second chapter, the debate moves towards the idea of globalization, and the technological virtues for the expansion of communication, the conflict between local and global and disinformation and fake news. In the third chapter, it is proposed to answer the question of this work. For this, tweets from this period (2020-2022) were extracted by data scraping technique. With a systematic qualitative analysis, the results show that the then president of the republic encourages - through his speeches - the denial of citizenship, that is, to deny practices that are configured in rights for the citizen.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalCidadaniaBolsonaroFake newsDesinformaçãoComunicaçãoGlobalizaçãoNegação comunicacional da cidadaniaTwitterCitizenshipBolsonaroFake newsMisinformationCommunicationGlobalizationCommunicational denial of citizenshipTwitterCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::COMUNICACAO::RELACOES PUBLICAS E PROPAGANDADesinformação e fake news como modos de negação comunicacional da cidadania: um estudo do perfil @jairbolsonaroDisinformation and fake news as modes of communicational denial of citizenship: a study of the @jairbolsonaro profileDissertação