2018-07-202018-06-15OLIVEIRA, T. B. Aplicação da dendrocronologia na identificação de processos erosivos e incêndios florestais nos parques estaduais Altamiro de Moura Pacheco e João Leite, Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil. 2018.184 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Ambientais) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8726The hydrographic basin of the Ribeirão João Leite (BHRJL) represents to the Goiás State an important sourceof water, responsible for supplying more than 50% of the population of the state capital, Goiânia, and contain two important conservation units of the Cerrado Biome. The overall objective of this paper was to evaluate the chronological evolution and impacts on vegetation caused by laminar erosion processes and/or linear and by forest fires in State Parks Altamiro de Moura Pacheco (PEAMP) and João Leite (PEJoL). The methodological procedures consisted in a multi-integrated assessment for the catchment area and the areas of the parks, being held for the basin: (1) the lifting of the physical attributes of the basin, (2) the morphopedologic Compatments, (3) The analysis of the susceptibility to laminar erosion and (4) Mapping of erosion of the basin, and in the area of the parks (including buffer zone): (5) sieve analysis of soil; (6) Mapping of fire risk to vegetation; (7) historical analysis of the occupation of the land use between 1985 and 2017; (8) analysis dendrogeomorfology and dendropirocronologia. The results indicated the presence of four compartments morfopedológicos, two were characterized as fragile by physical attributes natural; it was identified high susceptibility to the occurrence of laminar erosion processes and linear, confirmed by mapping of more than 3,000 erosions on BHRJL, being that the more critical areas coincide with the area where are the Conservation Units, which historically coexist with predominant use of pastures. The textural analysis of soil showed high content of the sand fraction, mainly fine sand and coarse sand in the soil inside the remainder in both dispersion in NaOH as the dispersion in water. This tendency occurs both in the horizon of the surface and the underlying horizons due to the profound transformation of quartz-rich rocks and poor in primary minerals converted into clay, compatible with the litology aluminoso Gnaisse, Metagranito And Quatzito. vThe mapping of fire risk indicates that the southern and southeastern portion of the remainder as critical areas for the event of a fire. The analysis of dendrocronológica 17 tree individuals of Cedar (Cedrela fissilis) And Copaíbas (Copaifera langsdorffii) indicated a high potential of these species in the area with a series with good index of intercorrelação (Cedar = 0,642; COPAIBA = 0,702). The analysis of dendropirocronologia indicated that the most powerful fires occurred in the decade of 1990, as the dendrogeomorfologia was not possible to correlate the time series with events longshore because was not observed inside of the parks erosion processes or traces of sedimentation, excepting the ravine near the highway and the ravine in inner raceway. In a general way the forest remnant requires greater supervision especially in high-risk areas the forest fire. The area of the park is an area of great fragility and excessive pisoteamento care should be taken to avoid that these processes to settle, because, the containment of same in sandy soil is quite costly and laborious.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAnálise integrada da paisagemUnidade de conservaçãoSolosGeoprocessamentoIntegrated analysis of landscapeConservation unitSoilsGeoprocessingGEOCIENCIAS::GEOGRAFIA FISICAAplicação da dendrocronologia na identificação de processos erosivos e incêndios florestais nos parques estaduais Altamiro de Moura Pacheco e João Leite, Goiânia, Goiás, BrasilApplication of dendrochronology in the identification of erosive processes and forest fires in state parks Altamiro de Moura Pacheco and João Leite, Goiânia, Goiás, BrazilDissertação