2016-09-062016-08-03ALVES, D. A. Licenciaturas em Química do IF Goiano: concepções e influências no contexto formativo. 2016. 176 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Química) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6125The deficit of teachers in the country throughout the history of Brazil is due to many factors and among them the low expectations for the teaching profession presented by young Brazilians, especially in the areas of Exact Sciences, contributed to the Federal Government to establish from the law No. 11,892 / 08, the Federal Institutes (IF) should allocate 20% (twenty percent) of the budget funds for degree courses and teacher qualifications. The state of Goiás currently has two IF, the IFG and the IF Goiano, each institution has five chemistry degree courses created from the year 2008. In this study we sought to analyze the training context in degree courses in Chemistry IF Goiano and used as research objects courses Pedagogical Project (PPP) of the five undergraduate programs of the institution, in order to analyze the professional profile sought this in the documents built by the members of each campus, and also use the "voices "the licentiate in chemistry obtained from questionnaires, to seek the views and perspectives imposed on teacher training. Analyses signaled that although undergraduate courses, direct courses for teacher training with the technological bias and the formation of structure has a trodden direction in the training model by technical rationality. This model can interfere in the professional profile to be formed in the IF Goiano, which can approach the bachelor's degree programs. This distortion in the formation may possess intrinsic relationship with the habitus set of IF Goiano, which compromises the teacher training of future teachers, in order not to become autonomous and reflective teachers. is denoted by the voices of licensees, that the teaching profession is not the first option after completing the course and end up choosing to work in industries, laboratories, other areas, or end up postponing the educational performance when enrolling in graduate school and this lack of perspective may be related to the lack of incentive and encouragement in their own courses. The survey also allowed us to analyze the implicit concepts in PPC interfere with the type of teacher training not targeted by the survey, able to exercise it in the educational field, with a survey of the overlap of the chemical field, which contributes to the misconception with relation to the training model of the teacher, which is a professional performer of routine activities, not using research as a tool towards a transformative education.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPPCLicenciatura em QuímicaIF goianoPPCDegree in ChemistryIF goianoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::QUIMICALicenciaturas em Química do IF Goiano: concepções e influências no contexto formativoDegrees in Chemistry IF Goiano : concepts and influences in the formative contextDissertação