2021-09-102021-09-102021-07-29PEREIRA, L. R. Percepções de egressos do curso de licenciatura em Letras: Libras da UFG sobre o estágio supervisionado vivenciado na escola de educação básica. 2021. 126 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11624The object of study of this research is the Supervised Internship, based on the perception of Brazilian Sign Language teachers (Libras), graduates of the Letters course: Libras, Faculty of Letters (FL), Federal University of Goiás (UFG), focusing on the contributions of the basic education school in the formative process. This topic has been gaining prominence in the academic world, due to the recognizing importance of the relationship between theory and practice in teacher education. This study aimed to identify and analyze the perceptions of graduates about the contribution of public schools of basic education in their professional training, during the period of experiences acquired in the supervised internship. The theoretical contribution is based on the authors Tardif (2017), Tardif and Lessard (2014), Pimenta (2020), Pimenta and Lima (2012, 2018), Santana (2010), Candau and Oliveira (2010) and Nóvoa (1992). The research is exploratory, with a qualitative approach. The participants in this research are students who attended between 2013 and 2020, and, currently, they are acting as teachers in the basic education schools. The focus of the investigation is, specifically, on the analysis of experiences during the teaching internship period in basic education schools. Data collection involves semi-structured interviews. The analysis and discussion of the results suggest a necessary renewal in the collaborative training format, in which higher and basic education institutions assume, in fact, co-responsibility in the training of future professionals in Education. It is expected that the research will contribute to the restructuring of the proposal for training teachers in Libras, bringing the relationship between university and internship schools closer together, streamlining the entire educational process and promoting mutual gains between the three parties included in the process: higher education institution, basic education school and licentiate(s).Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalLetras: LibrasLicenciaturaEstágioEscola-campoFormação de professoresLetters: LibrasGraduationTraineeInternship-schoolTeacher trainingLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LINGUISTICA::LINGUISTICA APLICADAPercepções de egressos do curso de licenciatura em Letras: Libras da UFG sobre o estágio supervisionado vivenciado na escola de educação básicaPerceptions of graduates of the Licentiate Degree course in Letters: Libras from UFG about the supervised internship experienced in the basic education schoolDissertação