2015-04-022014-08-26SANTOS, M. S. A formação da agenda e a seleção das alternativas para a participação do Brasil na instalação da sociedade moçambicana de medicamentos (SMM). 2014. 113 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Politica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4409This paper aims to present the process of agenda setting and policy formulation that led Brazil's participation in the installation of the Sociedade Moçambicana de Medicamentos (SMM). For this, the Model of Multiple Streams of John Kingdon (1984) is used. Although this is a method traditionally used for policy analysis nationwide, it was employed in this study considering its wide range of variables, allowing us a consistent analysis of the domestic and external aspects that influenced the conduct of that policy. Another great aspect treated in this study is that of international cooperation, whose profile will be presented in general and their specific activities in Brazil and Mozambique. Even if the goal is centered on the Brazilian agenda, we shall also bear aspects of Mozambican reality that will be needed for the analysis of the object. As a result of the research, we identified the factors that influenced the conduct of streams that originated the partnership between Brazil and Mozambique for the installation of SMM. Specifically, we conclude that the window that gave rise to the policy in question was opened by the stream of Brazilian politics.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPolíticas públicasFormação de agendaSeleção de alternativasCooperação internacionalSociedade moçambicana de medicamentosPublic policyAgenda settingPolicy formulationInternational cooperationCIENCIA POLITICA::POLITICAS PUBLICASA formação da agenda e a seleção das alternativas para a participação do Brasil na instalação da sociedade moçambicana de medicamentos (SMM)Agenda setting and policy formulation for Brazil's participation in the installation of sociedade moçambicana de medicamentos (SMM)Dissertação