2017-09-192017-08-16MENDONÇA, Ruskaia Fernandes. Educação, gênero e criminalidade: as adolescentes que cumpriram medidas socioeducativas em meio aberto em Goiânia (2010-2014). 2017. 125 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7763This research is about teenagers who committed infractions in Goiânia and fulfilled penalties in open educational penalties, between 2010 and 2014. The objective was to respond if the gender relations – understood as relations of power – interfered in infraction practice and if these young people continued or returned to the school environment after the fulfillment of penalties. The used method was the dialectic, based on Marxist theory and the methodology was documentary research, because in order to answer these questions, beyond to the bibliographic review, a survey was carried out in the archive of the Municipal Department of Social Assistance of Goiânia, which lists the medical records of the adolescents who committed infractions in the city. There were found 229 charts of girls in those years. For the analysis, eight medical records were selected referring to the adolescents who committed the infraction of drug smuggling and two who committed the infraction of drug possession, all of 2014. However, at the time, only nine of these were found. It was understood that, as well as in other spaces, the changing role of women in society has interfered in the crime world, since their presence has become more frequent with regard to the data of incarceration and punishment in Brazil. Regarding schooling, in the nine analyzed files, it was observed that five adolescents correctly followed the penalties and continued or returned to the studies during this period. Three have moved, so it is not possible to state about their schooling. One did not fulfill correctly, not returning to study or to Community Service Rendering.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAdolescênciaGêneroCriminalidadeTeenagersGenderCrimeCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOEducação, gênero e criminalidade: as adolescentes que cumpriram medidas socioeducativas em meio aberto em Goiânia (2010-2014)Education, gender and crime: the tennagers who fulfilled sócio-educational measures in open at Goiânia (2010-2014)Dissertação