2014-07-292009-09-222006-02-23LOPES, Lilian Kelly de Oliveira. Mycobacterium tuberculosis INFECTION AMONG PROFESSIONALS NURSING TEAM, AT A HOSPITAL FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES, Goiânia - GO.. 2006. 40 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Cuidado em Enfermagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2006.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/742According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an hundred million of individuals are infected by M. tuberculosis, annually. Health care workers play an important role to control of tuberculosis, but they are also at high risk for this infection. Then, the objectives of the present study were to evaluate the prevalence of M tuberculosis infection in nursing professionals from the Tropical Diseases Hospital in Goiânia City, State of Goiás, to analyze the factors associated to tuberculin skin test (TST) positivity and to determine the TB infection incidence density in susceptible professionals Initially, the prevalence and factors associated to TST were investigated in 128 eligible individuals. Further, susceptible professionals (n=32) were followed up during three years (2001-2004) to detect TST conversion. Of the total individuals investigated, 69.5% (IC 95%: 60.7-77.2) were positive to TST. Two occupational factors were independently associated to skin test positivity: duration of profissional activity longer than 5 years (Adjustd OR = 6.3; 95% CI: 1.5-26.2) and occupational contact with a person with pulmonary TB ≤ 2 years (Adjusted OR = 12.2; 95% CI: 1.2-106.3). Seven profissionals showed tuberculinic conversion during the three years of follow up, and an incidence density of 11.5 new conversions to 100 persons-year was detected. All of them had taken care of patients during the period of the study. Two individuals developed tuberculosis disease. The data of this study ratify the high risk of tuberculosis in nursing team, and highlight the importance of this infection as an occupational disease to nursing professionals of our region.application/pdfAcesso AbertoMycobacterium tuberculosisinfecçãohospitalMycobacterium tuberculosisinfectionhospitalMycobacterium tuberculosis, infection, hospitalCNPQ::CIENCIAS DA SAUDE::ENFERMAGEMINFECÇÃO PELO Mycobacterium tuberculosis ENTRE OS PROFISSIONAIS DA EQUIPE DE ENFERMAGEM, EM UM HOSPITAL DE DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS, GOIÂNIA - GO.Mycobacterium tuberculosis INFECTION AMONG PROFESSIONALS NURSING TEAM, AT A HOSPITAL FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES, Goiânia - GO.Dissertação