2020-01-312019-04-24AGUIAR, Lucas Fernandes. Células solares de perovskitas: uma análise da qualidade das informações em bases de patentes e em artigos científicos. 2019. 115 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Química) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10343Perovskite solar cells have been the biggest driver in solar cell development in the last few years because of its low cost, it is easy to manufacture and has high power conversion efficiencies. The progress of this technology has been observed by the records achieved in efficiency since 2011 and rapidly caught the attention of the scientific community. The perovskites used are of the halogen hybrids type, where it is present a organic cation CH3NH3, a heavy metal, commonly Pb or Sn, and halogen ions or a mixture, commonly I, Br, and Cl. This study focused on understanding, by searching in patent and scientific article databases, the data that could show how the development of this technology happened, giving a bird’s eye view of the current development in the solar cell sector, as well as showing, from the results obtained, the possible routes for the development of new technologies in Brazil. Through this search it was possible to point out the main differences between the models used for developing new technologies currently in use in Asia, Europe and Brazil, as well as determine the dependency relation between the development and the the use of the international patent system and how it is fundamental for the launching of new products based on perovskite.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCélulas solaresPerovskitaPropriedade industrialPatentesSolar cellsPerovskiteIntellectual propertyPatentsCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::QUIMICACélulas solares de perovskitas: uma análise da qualidade das informações em bases de patentes e em artigos científicosPerovskite solar cells: a quality analysis of the Information In article and patent databasesDissertação