2015-04-142014-09-30LIMA, Geraldo Francisco Corrêa Alves de. O gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos em Rio Pomba – MG na visão de atores sociais que participaram do processo. 2014. 235 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Ambientais) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4421Around 60% of Brazilian municipalities, especially the smaller sized cities, still dispose of solid urban waste in inadequate manner. The solution to this issue represents a great challenge to the public sector. In Zona da Mata, in the southeast region of Minas Gerais, where the city of Rio Pomba is located, several observers attribute the problem of solid urban waste to the lack of attention from the public sector. In some of the municipalities in the region, even basic waste collection is not implemented. The citizen in these municipalities, by lack of alternatives or resources, is habituated to simply throwing away their waste directly into the waters of rivers in the region. Thus, the investigation proposed in this research has the objective of analyzing the process of solid urban waste management in the Rio Pomba municipality, from 1999 to 2012. The viewpoint of the stakeholders involved in the process is taken, considering the before and after of the implementation and successive deactivation of the Waste Recycling Plant in the city. The methodology used is based on a quantitative study. The following instruments were used to collect data: semi-structured interviews (recorded through audio and transcribed for analysis), visits, field reports, and relevant documents. Twelve key stakeholders were interviewed, among which public managers that currently have or had in the past some type of link to the waste disposal process in Rio Pomba. To analyze the data, three categories of analyses were identified, denominated respectively: "Knowledge", "Accountability" and "Environmental Education". In the conclusion, an analysis of solid waste management in Rio Pomba is presented. We observe fragility in this process, specially because of the discontinuity of several one-off activities that were disconnected from a systemic approach.application/pdfAcesso AbertoGestão publicaLixoReciclagemUsina de triagem e compostagemAterro controladoPublic managementWasteRecyclingPlant for waste selection and compostingControlled landfillTECNOLOGIA DE ARQUITETURA E URBANISMO::ADEQUACAO AMBIENTALO gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos em Rio Pomba – MG na visão de atores sociais que participaram do processoThe solid waste management in urban Rio Pomba – MG in social actors vision that will be the caseTese