2016-06-022016-03-10SILVA JUNIOR, C. Violência e poder sob as perspectivas de gênero, marginalização e vingança em contos de Rubem Fonseca. 2016. 170 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5615This present work meant to analyze the relation between violence and power in Rubem Fonseca’s short stories. This relation, in this research, is analyzed from the gender, marginalization and revenge perspective, which are discussed in separate chapters. For the discussions about the gender perspective, the short stories "A confraria dos Espadas", from a 1998 homonymous collection, and "Tratado do uso das mulheres" contained in Pequenas Criaturas (2002) have been chosen. For the second perspective, the short stories chosen were "Feliz Ano Novo", from a collection of the same name, published in 1975, "O Cobrador", from a 1979 homonymous collection and "Os pobres e os ricos", from Amálgama (2013). For the last perspective, discussions were held based on the short stories "A natureza, em oposição à graça", from Secreções, excreções e desatinos (2001), and "Laurinha" from Ela e outras mulheres (2006). Through these narratives, it is analyzed the process of representation of the physical and/or symbolic violence and power relations from the perspective of the first person narrator in the mentioned short stories, out of their identity formation and the relation they have with the space they are inserted. In this context, the analysis revolves around of the character and space categories, with attention to the contributions of constant literary language in the texts. This is a bibliographic research that is carried out from a connection between literary and sociological theories and the literary text. The course analysis comprehends the mapping and analysis of representations of violence and power relations, highlighting in this context the struggle for affirmation and maintenance of identities as well as their possibilities of transformation. For discussions about power's exert are called Foucault's studies (2003, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2015), and for the term violence, the sociological theories of Durkheim (2002) and Elias (1994). About the presence of this theme in the literature, it uses the postulates of Ginzburg (2012) and Schøllhammer (2011, 2013), besides Figueiredo (2003), who deals directly with the presence of crime in Rubem Fonseca's prose. Bourdieu (2012), Sabat (2001) and Scott (1995) are the basis for discussions on gender, and Cuche (2002), Hall (2014), Silva (2014) and Woodward (2014), for the reflections on identity. The considerations of Borges Filho (2007), Brandão (2013, 2015) and Lins (1976) about the literary space are crucial to the analysis of this element in the short stories, and the studies of Dalcastagnè (2005, 2012) about Brazilian contemporary literature also bring important contributions to the research. In sum, through the analysis, it is clear that the use of symbolic and/or physical violence is one of the gears that move the power relations that take place in society, being present in the discourse of male domination, in the marginalization condition and revenge’s acts. The force of violence is a necessary tool so that the analyzed characters could remain in a privileged position on these constant literary spaces relations, each according to their needs, conditions and specific reasons.application/pdfAcesso AbertoViolênciaPoderGêneroMarginalizaçãoVingançaRubem FonsecaViolencePowerGenderMarginalizationRevengeRubem FonsecaLETRAS::LITERATURA BRASILEIRAViolência e poder sob as perspectivas de gênero, marginalização e vingança em contos de Rubem FonsecaViolence and power from the perspectives of gender, marginalization and revenge in Rubem Fonseca’s short storiesDissertação