2014-07-292011-03-252010-10-29RESENDE, Paulo Sérgio de Oliveira. Effect of Air Incorporated in Mortars Jackets. 2010. 99 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1330The present study contemplates in a scient ific way the act ion of air ent raining agents in mortars produced in laboratory and the ef fects on the coat ings appl ied on porous subst rates (ceramic blocks, concrete blocks) . This is an experimental work, aiming to test the effect of the air entraining agents in fresh mortars, hardened state and the remaining ai r in coat ing appl ied. The variables were: ai r content , type of subst rate and sur face finishing. Adopt ing a methodology for varying levels of ent raining ai r, keeping fixed the subst rate, the form of appl icat ion and the type of sur face finishing, evaluat ing the propert ies of mortars in order to obtain the ideal air content of dosage. Other studies were done after evaluat ion of opt imal ai r content , keeping i t as a fixed condi t ion and varying the type of subst rate, appl icat ion type and the type of sur face finishing, in order to analyze thei r inter f erence in the amount of remaining ai r, as wel l as such inter ference coat ing appl ied.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAditivoIncorporador de ArArgamassaPropriedadesRevestimentoadmixtureai r ent rainingai r ent raining agentmortarpropert iescoat1.Incorporador de ar - aditivo - argamassa de revestimento 2.Argamassa 3.Revestimento 4.Construção CivilCNPQ::ENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA CIVIL::CONSTRUCAO CIVILEfeito do Ar Incorporado em Argamassas de RevestimentosEffect of Air Incorporated in Mortars JacketsDissertação