2014-07-292010-06-182008-12-15SANTANA, José Marcondes Alves de. The state and spatial organization of the western Bahia. 2008. 118 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1914In recent years, the west of Bahia has gone through significative changes. The process of productive restructuring of territorial reordinance inserted in the agriculture modernization context and expansion of the agricultural border. A kind of excluding and razing modernization that have led away to the manners of tradicional living. Among the modernization actors it is the State that promoted politics and programs for the expansion of the capital on new areas. The whole picture contextualizes itself in the politics addressed to the Northeast and to the Woodsy Pasture in Brazil. The reseach discusses the bourgeois State formation which acts for reproduction of the capitalist relations of output, as it was its performance in the Northeast, mainly since the thirties, as the Programs directed to this area that are captured by hegemonic groups. The investments to this region, for the most part, were in the sense of modernizing the latifundium. Aims to analyze the dynamics of (re) organization and (re) production of the territory west of Bahia promoted by the restructuring of production agriculture and the involvement of public policies on this process The programs that had important impact on the West of Bahia are especially PCI, Polocentro, Prodecer and Polonordeste; the resources of Sudene, the settings of Codevasf, among others. The resources and the substructure promoted by the State have attracted private enterprises and immigrant producers that were able to recapitalize themselves in the Woodsy Pasture of Bahia. The climatic conditions and the lands price favored the technicality. As a result there is an investment of the economical position between Woodsy Pasture and the Valleys, a new interregional division of the production.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPolíticas públicasOeste BaianoNordesteEstadomodernização da agriculturaPublic PoliticsWest of BahiaNortheastStateModernization of the agriculture1. Agricultura e Estado Oeste da Bahia (Estado) 2. Modernização na agricultura 3. Políticas públicas Oeste da Bahia (Estado)CNPQ::CIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::GEOCIENCIAS::GEOGRAFIA FISICAO estado e a organização espacial do oeste baianoThe state and spatial organization of the western BahiaDissertação