2019-06-272019-06-15MACHADO, F. M. Gestão por processos orientada ao lean thinking e à teoria do stakeholder: estudo de caso em uma instituição federal de ensino. 2019. 138 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração Pública em Rede Nacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Aparecida de Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9752This case study carried out an evaluation of the process of functional progression teacher at the Goiás Federal University - UFG, using the principles and tools of Process Management, Lean Thinking and Stakeholder Theory, in order to propose improvements and construct the methodology of a management plan by processes for UFG. In the current context of federal educational institutions, with continuous challenges, difficulties to deal with rapid changes, besides the rigid external control, the organizational competitiveness factor emerges – previously mentioned only in the private sector – increasingly involving the public sector, mainly by the need to attract investment and raise funds. Thus, it is essential to adapt and consolidate theoretical bases for application of management practices by processes in the UFG, which is the objective of the study. The paper is divided into two parts, in the first one was the theoretical survey on the theories used. The second part consists of the practical application of theoretical knowledge acquired to the process of functional progression teacher in the UFG, seeking to identify its value flow, as well as eliminating the existing waste to deliver value to the clients of this process. The research method used was action research, with bibliographical data collection, documents, legal basis and, application of questionnaires, as well as interviews with employees of the UFG, in order to identify the value perception related to the process studied. With its methodological approach, the study demonstrates the adaptations made with the application of the tools of Process Management, Lean Thinking and Stakeholder Theory to a process of an administrative and bureaucratic area. As a result, a process management plan were developed for the UFG and significant improvements in fluidity, elimination of operations and unnecessary movements, and above all reduction of waits, were indicated for the process studied.application/pdfAcesso AbertoGestão por processosLean thinkingProgressão funcional docenteTeoria do stakeholderUniversidade Federal de GoiásFunctional progression teacherGoiás Federal UniversityProcess managementStakeholder theoryADMINISTRACAO::ADMINISTRACAO PUBLICAGestão por processos orientada ao lean thinking e à teoria do stakeholder: estudo de caso em uma instituição federal de ensinoProcess management oriented to the lean thinking and stakeholder theory: case study at a federal educational institutionDissertação