2021-12-282021-12-282021-08-26CORREIA, W. A. Jornalismo infracidadão: a incomunicabilidade como vetor do jornalismo econômico na cobertura da Lava Jato pela Folha. 2021. 646 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Comunicação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11818The present work aims to investigate the meanings configured by the narratives woven together with the economic coverage of Folha on the Operation Car Wash, in his notebook called Mercado, in the period that covers the 18 months preceding and the 18 months following the impeachment of former President Dilma Rousseff, which occurred on August 31, 2016. Therefore, it employs a theoretical framework that permeates economic journalism, Operation Car Wash, along with its media implications, and citizenship. The methodological construct of this work is anchored in the use of Content Analysis in its quantitative dimension brought by Bardin (2012) and Bauer and Gaskell (2002), which served to the selection of the corpus, resulting in 67 analyzed contents, and to a balance of the conformation of economic journalism practiced by Folha. Then, the critical analysis of the narrative suggested by Motta (2013) bases the reconstruction of the composition from the contents of the corpus, under the three aspects with which he works (dimension, story and meta-narrative). In the end, it was found that, in terms of thematic categories and narrative conduction, there was variation in the approach of Folha in the transition from the pre-impeachment moment to the post impeachment moment, especially in regards to the role played by the federal government in both phases, which was opposed to the constant presence of Operation Car Wash in the antagonist pole. It also remained proven that economic journalism, reflected in the coverage of Operation Car Wash by Folha, it is marked by a practice that deprives the components linked to communicational citizenship, preventing it, consequently, from contributing to the consolidation of an economic citizenship and also to a full citizenship. It is, therefore, a crime of journalismThe present work aims to investigate the meanings configured by the narratives woven together with the economic coverage of Folha on the Operation Car Wash, in his notebook called Mercado, in the period that covers the 18 months preceding and the 18 months following the impeachment of former President Dilma Rousseff, which occurred on August 31, 2016. Therefore, it employs a theoretical framework that permeates economic journalism, Operation Car Wash, along with its media implications, and citizenship. The methodological construct of this work is anchored in the use of Content Analysis in its quantitative dimension brought by Bardin (2012) and Bauer and Gaskell (2002), which served to the selection of the corpus, resulting in 67 analyzed contents, and to a balance of the conformation of economic journalism practiced by Folha. Then, the critical analysis of the narrative suggested by Motta (2013) bases the reconstruction of the composition from the contents of the corpus, under the three aspects with which he works (dimension, story and meta-narrative). In the end, it was found that, in terms of thematic categories and narrative conduction, there was variation in the approach of Folha in the transition from the pre-impeachment moment to the post impeachment moment, especially in regards to the role played by the federal government in both phases, which was opposed to the constant presence of Operation Car Wash in the antagonist pole. It also remained proven that economic journalism, reflected in the coverage of Operation Car Wash by Folha, it is marked by a practice that deprives the components linked to communicational citizenship, preventing it, consequently, from contributing to the consolidation of an economic citizenship and also to a full citizenship. It is, therefore, a crime of journalism.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalJornalismo econômicoOperação Lava JatoNarrativaCidadaniaEconomic journalismOperation Car WashNarrativeCitizenshipCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADASJornalismo infracidadão: a incomunicabilidade como vetor do jornalismo econômico na cobertura da Lava Jato pela FolhaA crime of journalism: the incommunicability as a vector of economic journalism in the coverage of Operation Car Wash by FolhaDissertação