2021-08-262021-08-262021-07-23COSTA, G. G. A exigência política do despertar: escrita, política e revolução em Walter Benjamin. 2021. 214 f. Tese (Doutorado em Filosofia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11574The concept of revolution in Walter Benjamin´s philosophy has received meaningful reformulations from 1925 on, when his approach of Marxism became increasingly more systematic. In several works from the period, one can distinguish an interest in examining the reasons and possibilities of overcoming the capitalist mode of production and in discerning the means of confronting fascism. The works that he dedicated to the problem of revolution situates in this concrete historical horizon. In this regard, his investigations deal with the need for overcoming the dreamlike character inherited from the 19th century, which implies giving the theme of awakening a specific critical character, especially in his essays on aesthetics and politics. Coherently, he refuses any mechanistic formulations, mainly those that arose in the time of the Second International Socialist, responsible for stressing the dynamics of the objective forces to such an extent that they did leave no significant space for the revolutionary praxis strictly speaking. Benjamin thus moves forward in the philosophy of praxis and class struggle horizon, which give him the necessary themes and justification for a radical critic of bourgeoise society. Such presuppositions underly the Benjaminian concepts of writing and history, which structure, each of them, the two parts of our thesis. They emphasise the tension existing in this thought, between examining the possibilities of overcoming capitalism and remembering the ruins of the current catastrophe. Our purpose in this research is to understand and to explain this critical activity.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalWalter BenjaminRevoluçãoEscritaHistóriaWalter BenjaminRevolutionWritingHistoryMarxismCIENCIAS HUMANAS::FILOSOFIAA exigência política do despertar: escrita, política e revolução em Walter BenjaminThe political demand of awakening: writing, politics, and revolution in Walter BenjaminTese