2017-10-262017-08-28BORGES, Helena de Moraes. A relação campo-cidade no ensino de geografia: a representação do campo no contexto de escolas urbanas. 2017. 140 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7920One of the possibilities to make the contents of school geography meaningful to students is to take as a reference the place and experiences of the subjects involved in the teaching and learning process. From this perspective, we consider it important to reflect on how the content that involves the countryside is approached in the geography classes of city students, and we start from the assumption that contemplating the field-city relationship can bring meaning to the contents related to the field, awakening the spacial perception of the students. In order to understand how the field-city relationship is approached in the teaching of Geography in the city of Goiânia and the possibilities of overcoming a dichotomous vision about these spaces, we conducted a case study involving two public schools in Goiânia. This case study involved the study of the Social Representations of the students, because we understand these as the possibility to highlight everyday concepts. In order to understand the Social Representations of the research subjects, we used the method of word evocation, mental mapping, and the application of a questionnaire that allowed us to observe the students experience about the field. Another aspect analyzed was the pedagogical practice of two seventh-year primary school teachers, through a semi-structured interview and observation of classes and analysis of the curriculum used in the schools that is participating in the research. We could show that considering the everyday concepts of the students when addressing the themes related to the field is a concern of the teachers, and also in a difficulty. The work with the Social Representations can be taken as a reference to overcome this difficulty, since it collaborates so that the knowledge of the students is explicit, and from this perspective we highlight the mental maps due to their relation with the teaching of geography and its possibility to highlight the Social Representations. Thus, we propose a didactic approach that aims to contribute to overcoming a dichotomous vision about the field and the city, in order to lead the student to understand the articulation of such spaces, the different characteristics of the Brazilian field, among other aspects, mobilizing concepts which contribute to the development of geographic thought.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEnsino de geografiaRepresentações sociaisRelação campo-cidadeFormação de conceitosGeography teachingSocial representationsField-city relationshipConcept formationCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAA relação campo-cidade no ensino de geografia: a representação do campo no contexto de escolas urbanasThe field-city relationship in teaching of geography: the representation of the field in the context of urban schoolsDissertação