2018-04-262017-12-14POLONIAL, Juscelino Martins. A intensificação do trabalho docente no ensino superior público federal: o caso da Universidade Federal de Goiás (1996 - 2012). 2017. 244 f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8383His thesis entitled The intensification of teaching work in federal public higher education: the case of the Federal University of Goiás (1996 - 2012), is linked to the line of research Labor, Employment and Unions of the Program Postgraduate by Faculty of Social Sciences, Federal University of Goiás. The research aims to analyze the intensification of teaching work in federal public higher education, with a cut in the Federal University of Goiás, between 1996 and 2012, from two aspects: first after the publication of Law no 9394 of 1996 defining the Guidelines and Bases of National Education, which increased the school days from 180 to 200, extended the school calendar in a month, and how this contributed to overwhelm the work of the teacher, especially in relation to the time to develop their professional activity; according to its activity in the postgraduate course, that grew a lot in the period delimited by this research project, favoring the intensification of the teaching work. The research took an approach from the category of totality, so it had as its starting point the analysis of the structural crisis of the capital system and its implications for federal public higher education. We then investigate the changes in national education from the legal reformulation with the Constitution of 1988 and the LDB of 1996 and the governmental policies resulting from this legal change. Then we investigate the reforms at the Federal University of Goiás to adapt to this concrete social condition, notably with the expansion of the institution, both undergraduate and postgraduate. Finally, we talk about the teacher's work in this context and how it has been intensified. In this last part we did an analysis of the work of the UFG teacher based on SICAD and, with the analysis of the data, we verified that the teacher is working more and that, in general, an important part of his work does not appear in the official records of the university. Thus, we conclude that the work of the higher education teacher of the federal public network has been intensified, and this process is related to recent transformations in capitalism, the information revolution, neoliberal politics and legal reforms in education after the 1988 Constitution, as well as with government policies between 1996 and 2012. Among the various aspects of this intensification of teaching work is the need to have an increasingly voluminous and rapid academic production, a fact known as academic productivism. In this way, pressed, the federal public higher education teacher has to produce more and more in the shortest possible time. This is directly related to the expansion of the UFG and to the increase in the workload of teachers in teaching and in the orientations and coorientations of TCCs, scientific initiations, dissertations and theses. It also relates to an increase in workload for academic production, participation in academic newsstands, and research and extension activities. Finally, the teacher started to spend more working hours for administration, coordination and representation activities. All this has contributed and still contributes to the intensification of the teaching work.application/pdfAcesso AbertoTransformações no capitalismoRevolução InformaçãoNeoliberalismoPrivatismo na educaçãoReformulação da universidadeTrabalho docenteTransformations in capitalismInformation revolutionNeoliberalismPrivatism in educationReformulation of universityCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIAA intensificação do trabalho docente no ensino superior público federal: o caso da Universidade Federal de Goiás (1996 - 2012)The intensification of teaching work in federal public higher education: the case of the Federal University of Goiás (1996 - 2012)Tese