2017-12-132017-09-29ANDRADE, Janainni Gomes de. O espaço rural nas aulas de geografia do ensino fundamental em Senador Canedo/GO. 2017. 123 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8036The Geography teaching at regular schools is a very important tool which helps students to develop a wide perspective of the world. Geography itself is one of the school subjects that hence the reality understanding. The quality of the learning and teaching process, as far as the teachers’ actions are concerned, comes from well-defined theories and methodologies; the truth of information related to classroom issues; the approach of the concepts; and efforts of creating a meaningful teaching.From the themes that go through geography lessons, the rural space isinserted which must be treatedthrough the social, cultural, politics, and physical natural relations that composes itself. Also, considering its cultural, political and physical-natural relations that composes itself. At urban schools, when topics about such themes are discussed, some teachers face some troubles such as the gap between students and the rural settings and the scares of didactic materials about this topic. Furthermore, it is difficult to hence students towards this content, considering the multi-scholarship as in this case the content is predominately discussed at schools in national levels. Taking in heed the importance of discussions about rural settings in geography lessons and that the understanding of that phenomena in different scales is fundamental for a meaningful learning, the goal of this work is to analyse how the rural space has been treated in the geography classes at SenadorCanedo/GO. Because of that, it has become very important to investigate the concepts that go through the discussions about this topic during geography classes throughout Ensino Fundamental at SenadorCanedo/GO. In addition, verify how teachers develop the topics about rural setting during geography lessons. On top of that, to inquire how thegeography teachers promotes the goiano rural in their classes as a reference towards the appreciation of students daily life. The approaches of rural settings are important as it make it possible to deconstruct the idea that the rural settings and out of date, inferior and less important when comparing to urban settings and sometimes merely taken as only with agricultural functions. The rural space has in its essence a history, a culture, an identity and it has an important influence on the society. This study has been built under the qualitative research approach, being the case study the main guideline as this approach makes a better involvement with the object of study.Through the methodological way, it was possible to make the following actions: bibliographic review, didactical material analyses, interview with teachers and class observations. These actions had the goal of identifying if the focus given to the rural settings has being done considering its importance and if the procedures given to these topics in the classroom result in a meaningful learning that helps students to develop a critical view towards rural settings phenomena. Although the themes of rural settings and its concernments are presented in NCPs and in the SenadorCanedo School Syllabus, the teachers show a little difficult to work with them in their classes. The topics related to the rural mean needs to be problematized, it means that it is crucial they be approached in a critical way. Thus, in an attempt to enhance the debates along this theme, we present a discussion about some elements which can develop the use of these contents in a more coherent way during the geography classes, giving a special attention to the students daily lives and their knowledge previously acquired. In other to make it possible, we selected two contents that, even though they are common in the geography classes on the base education, they are commonly treated with high emphasis on the economical area – the environmental impacts on the countryside and the modernization of the agriculture. In the discussion of these contents, we defend that, beyond the economical perspective, other aspects must be enriched, as far as rural settings are concerned, showing that the phenomena in which occurs in this place are influenced by the capitalism production way and that there are contradictions that results on the way the rural settings organize itself.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEnsino de GeografiaEspaço ruralSenador CanedoTeaching GeographyRural spaceSenator CanedoEDUCACAO::ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEMO espaço rural nas aulas de geografia do ensino fundamental em Senador Canedo/GOThe rural space in geography aulas of fundamental education in Senador Canedo/GODissertação