2017-01-122016-11-16OLIVEIRA, L. A. S. Experimentação e uso de cigarro eletrônico e narguilé entre universitários. 2016. 91 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências da Saúde) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6721Smoking is considered a public health issue and has registered decline in their prevalence in recent years. However, many young people still experience various forms of tobacco consumption making them vulnerable to initiation and therefore the addition. This study aims to analyze the prevalence of experimentation and use of electronic cigarettes and shisha, and sociodemographic associations. Methodology: Observational, analytical cross-quantitative study, with university from an institution in Anapolis, Goias, Brazil. Data were collected between November 2015 to February 2016 in all classrooms of Odontology, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Physical Education, Law and Civil Engineering, and up yourth year of medical school. Sampling was probabilistic by clusters and for the sample calculation was used the equation of finite populations. For data collection it was used a sociodemographic record, an economic classification record, and structured interview form. The inclusion criteria was being more than 18 yars old and be present at the university on the collect day. We excluded those who did not complete the informed consent form. The data were analyzed with SPSS 23.0, and the chi-squared test followed by multiple comparison test (post-hoc) was used to cheking the association between variables. The significance valued was set at 5%. was realized still a multivariate binary regression. Results: 1539 students were enrolled, with a mean age of 21.3 ± 3.6. The prevalence of electronic cigarette experimentation was 241 (15.66%) and shisha 521 (33.9%). As to current use, 11 (5.7%) reported weekly usage of the electronic cigarette and 23 (5.3%) of hookahs. Experimentation of the electronic cigarette was significantly associated with male sex, economic class level A and smokers. Experimentation of shisha was higher significantly in women (51.4%), under 21 (59.9%), middle-class young people (46.8%) among nonsmokers students (87.9%) and others experienced tobacco products (52.4%). Conclusion: The prevalence of experimentation and currente use of electronic cigarette (15.66% and 5.7%) and sisha (33.9% and 5.3%) are highconsidering mainly the characteristics of the products and the vulnerability faced by university students. The factors associated with experimentation show that the tobacco industry has managed to popularize other ways of tobacco use among this group.application/pdfAcesso AbertoHábito de fumarProdutos de tabacoCigarro eletrônicoTabacoSmokingTobacco productsEletronic cigaretteTobaccoCIENCIAS DA SAUDEExperimentação e uso de cigarro eletrônico e narguilé entre universitáriosTrial and use of electronic cigarettes and hookahs among collegeDissertação