2023-05-152023-05-152023-04-10SANTANA, M. V. Tecnologias digitais em rede nas performances musicais: potencialidades da composição colaborativa em meios digitais. 2023. 99 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Performances Culturais) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12842Discusses about collaborative composition practices carried out on platforms / social networks / music creation and production applications. It traces a historical overview of musical development, contextualizing the history of music and discussing about networked digital technologies in musical performances of collaborative composition. To do so, it discusses interactivity in collaborative composition made possible by the digital medium based on studies on mediatization and mediation. It aims to identify experiences of collaborative compositions mediated by networked digital technologies, justifying itself based on the influence of media and networked digital technologies on musical performances, observed by the frequent use of technological applications for composition, production, and musical performance at the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century. In its problem, it questions the limits and potential of musical performance within a collaborative digital composition environment. When discussing the concept of collaborative composition and its use in musical performances, he explains two types of compositions made in digital media: one made in synchronous format, through the actions of the band Tin Men and the Telephone and the performance Dialtones: A Telesymphony; another, based on the use of platforms / social networks / applications for collaboration in the creation of compositions, such as BandLab. Methodologically, it is configured as a qualitative, descriptive-exploratory research in relation to its objectives, as it presents other platforms / social networks / music creation and production applications, while it inserts the author as a subject of the research, through the accomplishment of a composition in partnership with other members of BandLab. Considers that networked digital technologies can actively affect collaborative compositions, especially when observed from the mediatization theory, concomitantly with the phenomenon of globalization, which increased access to networked digital technologies by the population, influencing the way in which musical performances are seen and performed today.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalComposição colaborativaTecnologias digitais em redePerformanceMidiatização e mediação tecnológicaCollaborative compositionNetworked digital technologiesPerformanceMediatization and technological mediationCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::COMUNICACAOTecnologias digitais em rede nas performances musicais: potencialidades da composição colaborativa em meios digitaisNetworked digital technologies in musical per-formances: potential of collaborative composition in digital mediaDissertação