2019-10-252019-09-02Santos, Joildes Brasil dos. Áreas de preservação permanente como instrumento para conservação dos recursos hídricos: estudo de caso na região metropolitana de Goiânia, Goiás. 2019. 245 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10129Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs) are spaces specially protected by law, through the Brazilian Forest Code (CFB) (BRAZIL, 2012). These spaces, despite being environmentally fragile, play important ecosystem functions, especially the protection of water resources. However, even though advances have been achieved with the evolution of Brazilian environmental legislation, through the institutionalization of instruments to regulate the use of natural resources, they had difficulties in their application, finding obstacles to the realization of what was foreseen in the law. what actually happened in the national territory. The changes resulting from the current CFB were extremely criticized by experts, who point them out as permissive in relation to environmental degradation. Given the aforementioned problems, this thesis aims to elucidate the importance of the protection of riparian areas as instruments in the conservation of water resources, using as a spatial cut the APPs (fluvial, springs, lakes and lagoons) of the Goiânia Metropolitan Region (RMG), which goes through problems of water shortage, to the point that, in 2018 and 2019, the government of Goiás declares state of water crisis in the region. In this sense, the research methodology involved scientific and legal analysis on the evolution of the concept of PPA and its correlation with water resources management in Brazil and Goiás. From the generated spatial database, it was possible to perform the thematic mappings of the study area. Then, from land cover and land use data, conflicts of use were identified in more than 40% of RMG APPs, which are irregularly occupied by anthropic activities, especially pasture and agriculture. In the rural context, the comparative analysis between the mappings elaborated in this research and the data provided by the National Rural Environmental Registry System (SICAR) showed incompatibility in the information and the suppression of areas in the Government registry, especially of the nascent APP category. According to the concept of consolidated rural area (ARC), introduced in the forest codes (federal and state), rural APPs located in these spaces have reduced protection metrics. In RMG, ARCs represent more than 60% of the total area of rural properties, contemplating a significant part of APPs, which, being in ARC, have their use restrictions relaxed. In the urban area, the problem is repeated in the so-called consolidated urban areas (AUCs), based on changes in the forest code in the hypotheses of public utility and social interest. The environmental characterization of RMG APPs allowed identifying priority areas with greater predisposition to the development of laminar erosive processes, which, coupled with conflicting uses, enhances the environmental instability of APPs. Together with the mapping information, physicochemical aspects of twenty-one sampling points were analyzed, distributed in eight basins that supply the RMG. Which, linked to the updated bibliography on the quality of water resources of the research area, indicated environmental degradation in the main sources of the region. It was concluded, from the theoretical, legal and methodological foundation presented in the thesis, the relevance of the concept of PPA within the environmental and urban policies, as a fundamental instrument for the maintenance (qualitative and quantitative) of the water resources, and it is observed, in both analyzed forest codes (BRASIL, 2012; GOIÁS, 2013) a setback in environmental legislation, based on a policy of decaraterization of APPs, which disregards intermittent nascent APPs, eases the use of APPs in ARC and considerably increases the possibilities. of intervention and suppression of these spaces.application/pdfAcesso AbertoZonas ripáriasLegislação ambientalRecursos hídricosConflito de usoRiparian zonesEnvironmental legislationWater resourcesConflict of useCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAÁreas de preservação permanente como instrumento para conservação dos recursos hídricos: estudo de caso na região metropolitana de Goiânia, GoiásPermanent preservation areas as a water resource conservation instrument: case study in the goiânia metropolitan region, GoiásTese