2021-07-142021-07-142021-04-14CAIXETA, L. F. S. Avaliação do uso de aditivos aliados ao manejo alimentar no desenvolvimento do trato digestivo de bezerros. 2021. 70 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Fisiológicas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11492This study examines the effect of restricted feeding, based on the amount of milk supplied, combined with the compensatory gain mechanism and supplementation with an essential amino acid (methionine analogue - MET) or essential oils (EO) on the intestinal development and intestinal health of calves. Twenty calves were weighed and subjected to four treatments (feeding regimes) for two 28-day periods, as follows: Treatment 1 (RES+MET) - restricted milk intake in the first period (3 L/animal/day) and no restriction in the second period (6 L/animal/day) plus 4 g MET/day in both periods; Treatment 2 (MET) - no milk restriction in either period (6 L/animal/day) plus 4 g MET/day in both periods; Treatment 3 (RES+EO - milk restriction in the first period (3 L/animal/day) and no restriction in the second period (6 L/animal/day) plus 1.5 g EO/day in both periods; and Treatment 4 (EO) - no milk restriction in either period (6 L/animal/day) plus 1.5 g EO/day in both periods. Weight change in period 1 was lower in the animals on RES+MET than in the MET group, and no difference was detected between the other groups. Total live weight change at the end of the experiment was similar between the groups. There were no differences between treatment groups and periods for serum lactate, alkaline phosphatase or creatinine levels. Total proteins differed between the periods in the RES+MET, RES+EO and EO groups. Rumen papillae height was lower in the restricted groups. The methionine analogue reduced morphological changes in the hepatocyte nucleus as a result of the nutritional mechanisms induced by compensatory gain. Intestinal integrity was maintained by the action of the methionine analogue. Essential oils enhance the expression of GHS-R1a receptors in the hypothalamus.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalGanho compensatórioPermeabilidade intestinalRestrição alimentarSuplementaçãoCompensatory gainIntestinal permeabilityRestricted feedingSupplementationCIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS::FISIOLOGIAAvaliação do uso de aditivos aliados ao manejo alimentar no desenvolvimento do trato digestivo de bezerrosEvaluation of the use of additives combined with dietary management on digestive tract develop- ment of calvesTese