2016-07-192015-08-27VARGAS, Lucas Gabriel Corrêa. As representações sociais do progresso. Uma perspectiva a partir da chegada da estrada de ferro em Anápolis, GO. 2015. 134 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Projeto e Cidade) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5735The process and construction of the social representation of the progress in Anápolis, comes after the analysis of the changes that the city passed from the arrival of the railroad Goiás (EFG) in 1935. From the perspective of representations it is essential to understand, within the stages of objectification process, the participation of the elements that made up the reality of the time and that contributed to the transformation. The historical context is present in the first phase, presenting records from the beginning of the occupation, in the early nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century, characterizing the historical moments, the nature of immigrants who have contributed to the formation of the commercial role and the presence of rail transport. In the second phase of objectification, the structuring of the figurative core is analyzed from the presentation of railway history in Brazil, EFG and publications in the newspapers of the city, whose favorable advertising temporarily subsidized the social representation of the railroad progress. And the third phase, the naturalization is analyzed and sustained by innovations in architecture that reinforced the concept that progress would be present in everyday life, observing finally that the social representation of progress was not maintained active, because from the point of view of the railway was built only loosely image, unlike other representations that persist to the present day.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAnápolisRepresentações sociaisEstrada de ferroProgressoAnápolisSocial representationsRailwayProgressFUNDAMENTOS DO PLANEJAMENTO URBANO E REGIONAL::HISTORIA URBANAAs representações sociais do progresso. Uma perspectiva a partir da chegada da estrada de ferro em Anápolis, GOSocial representations of progress. A perspective from the arrival of the railway in Anápolis, GODissertação