2016-12-152016-11-03ALMEIDA, N.R. A educação através dos agogôs, atabaques e pandeiros: o samba de roda goiano e questões de direitos humanos. 2016. 100 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direitos Humanos) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6598The present dissertation presents the results of a research that had as objective to investigate the samba de roda in Goiânia, in particular the samba de roda that happens in the Sector Serrinha. The samba de roda is a manifestation of Afro-Brazilian culture and represents the resistance of blacks in Brazil. The research reveals principles of an education that is grounded in the African worldview. We realize that the samba de roda transmits in its practice human rights education. The samba de roda is a manifestation that in its execution transmits education and the masters of the Afro-Brazilian traditions, holders of the knowledge about these cultures are the idealizers of the sambas de roda that happen in Goiânia-GO. It was from the reports of the subjects next to the bibliography about the samba de roda, intercultural education, popular education and human rights that we recorded the manifestation.application/pdfAcesso AbertoSamba de rodaEducaçãoCulturaDireitos humanosSambaEducationCultureHuman rightsDIREITO::DIREITOS ESPECIAISA educação através dos agogôs, atabaques e pandeiros: o samba de roda goiano e questões de direitos humanosEducation through agogôs, drums and tambourines: the goiano samba and human rights issuesDissertação