2014-12-042012-10-31SANTOS, Hugo de Melo. Caracterização química e ecotoxicológica dos resíduos gerados na Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto (ETE) de Goiânia/Go. 2012. 78 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Química) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3736Sewage treatment plants are considered on its own a source of environmental pollution, generating damages to the environment, changing the quality of potable water sources and soils. Based on this reality, the present study evaluated the chemical and ecotoxicological characteristics of a sewage treatment plant residues: effluent and sludge. The treatment plant final effluent caused acute toxicity to Danio rerio, LD50;48h of 69,18% was observed. Considering the complexity of the sludge matrix, a water elution was done prior to the toxicity test. The resulting solution caused LD50;48h of 10,31% to Danio rerio, offering a mild toxicity for the species. Physicochemical parameters such as, pH, TDS, hardness, condutivity and turbidity, showed results within the environmental agency limits. As expected, soluble oxygen in water was below the minimum established in both matrices, due to the high amount of organic matter. During acute toxicity tests physicochemical parameters were also tested, statistical simulations using pearson r value showed strong and positive correlation between the parameter and the test solutions concentrations. R values were between 0,974 and 1,000. Except for soluble oxygen, that confirmed a negative correlation. Biochemical and chemical oxygen demand were determined for the samples, a ratio between them was obtained to evaluate the organic matter biodegradability level. Considering that ratio under 5 indicates easily biodegradable matrix, both matrice showed easy organic matter degradation, having ratio of 2,65 for final effluent and 2,01 for sludge water solution. The presence of toxic metals, chromium, copper, cadmium, iron, nickel, tin, zinc and lead, were investigated for effluent, sludge and sludge water solution. All metal concentrations were below the environmental agency and reference safety levels for disposal in rivers (CONAMA/357) or soils (CONAMA/375 and 430).application/pdfAcesso AbertoEfluenteLodoEcotoxicologiaMetaisEffluentSludgeEcotoxicology, metalsMetalsCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::QUIMICACaracterização química e ecotoxicológica dos resíduos gerados na Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto (ETE) de Goiânia/GoChemical and ecotoxicological characterization of waste generated Sewage Treatment Station of Goiânia/GoDissertação