2016-03-102013-05-17CLEMENTE, V. História nova do Brasil (1963-1965): uma nação "imaginada". 2013. 166 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Historia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5313By noticing the very few researches in programs in Graduate History having as the main object the textbook of history, this dissertation investigates the collection of textbooks for Brazilian secondary education New History of Brazil - published in March 1964 by the Campaign Student Assistance (CASES). The collectionwas conceived within at the National University of Philosophy of Brazil (FNFI), peculiarly by the students responsible for publishing the Bulletin of History (BH) under the guidance of Nelson Werneck Sodré and directly involved the activities of the Institute for Brazilian Studies (ISEB). The book criticized the traditional historiography presented in textbook used in Brazil and aimed an innovation int he context thereof. Extolled the need for social reforms - mainly educational ones - framing up on the political prospect that the country was experiencing during the Goulart government, had a political dimension and was the object of struggle. With the establishment of the military regime, the voluems were burnt and New History banned and their authors targets of persecution.application/pdfAcesso AbertoHistória nova do BrasilLivro didáticoEnsino de históriaNaçãoRevolução brasileiraNew history of BrazilTextbookTeaching historyNationBrazilian revolutionCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAHistória nova do Brasil (1963-1965): uma nação "imaginada"New history of Brazil (1963-1965): a nation "imagined"Dissertação