2014-07-292011-02-042007-07-29COSTA, Maria Flora Ribeiro. Critical theory and communication: an analysis of journalism as (im) possibility formative. 2007. 127 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2007.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1996When reflecting about the journalism in modernity it is possible to synthesize some of its trends in the affirmation and reiteration of a pseudo-rationality, that if establishes from the creation and recreation of the real for the technique. This work comprehends these trends to beyond the capitalist instrumentalization, and suggests the negation of the ideology conception of the journalistic narrative. For this, this work makes a relation between journalism, education and critical theory, in the meaning to examine the study s object in the Frankfurt s perspective. It is standed out that the context of the French and Industrial Revolutions, that had marked centuries XVIII and XIX, had directed the society for a new structure of economic sustentation, based for the development of the industrial sector, in which the capitalism blunts as only possibility of progress. The ideology of the capital would reach the following centuries and it would consolidate as expression of the freedom and the personal accomplishment to the reach of all for a better future. The new form of material production involved all the manifestations of the human being production, and soon it is established in the sectors of science, the arts, the religion and the education. Thus, the human being culture directly passed to be marked and to be influenced by the way of capitalist production. The process that took the culture appropriation for the capitalist ideology culminated in a reorganization of the productive forces in a concept that Horkheimer and Adorno had called, in century XX, of cultural industry. The magnifying of this concept touchs in the possibilities and impossibilities to glimpse an education directed toward to the citizen s autonomy. The unfoldings of this reality shows that is possible to observe how much the relations of production of the current society are determined by the marketing logic, having as base the alienation, explained for Karl Marx when analyzing the world s work. In way the trend to the construction of an instrumentalized rationality the Critical Theory calls the attention for the weakness of the critical thought and the true conscience. The work searchs to emphasize the importance of the recognition of these inherent contradictions to the modern journalism as instance of social (de)formation.application/pdfAcesso Abertojornalismo, educação e formaçãojournalism, education and trainingCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOTeoria critica e comunicação: uma análise do jornalismo como (im)possibilidade formativaCritical theory and communication: an analysis of journalism as (im) possibility formativeDissertação