2015-03-302014-10-15SILVA, M. Z. Comportamento morfológico, químico e físico-hídrico dos solos de área cultivada com morango em Alfredo Vasconcelos, MG. 2014. 126 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Ambientais) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4387Over 80% of the 6,000 inhabitants of Alfredo Vasconcelos, a municipality in the southern state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is involved in agricultural activities, mainly horticulture, floriculture and fruit culture, which is characterized by strawberry cultivation on top of a relief known as ‘mar de morros’, predominant in the region, with edaphoclimatic conditions adequate to this type of cultivation. Strawberry cultivation ranks second in state production; however, it has been presenting differences in planting and crop performances, slope hydric erosion, fertigated input losses, as well as turbidity, leaching, and downstream fish fauna decrease, according to farm proprietors and preliminary observations. The hypothesis tested is that the use and management of soil may induce changes in its morphological, physical- hydric behavior, as well as in its fertility, leading to decreased production and yield and soil and slope instability. The aim of this work was to evaluate the morphological and physical- hydric behavior of strawberry-cultivated soils in the aforementioned municipality so as to identify the vertical and lateral hydric flux routes and understand the causes of the differences found to provide management alternatives to family farmers. The study was based on the macro- and micro-morphological and analytical characterization of soils through infiltration and resistance to soil penetration assays, along a representative toposequence of the area, constituted of the descendent lateral succession of medium texture soils as Red Yelow Latosol Cambic Latossol and Haplic Gleisol. Four soil profiles were evaluated: P1, on the top; P2, on the upper slope; P3, on the medium slope, cultivated with strawberry; and P4, on the slope base, used as pasture planted with Brachiaria decumbens. The results showed increased clay, soil density and resistance to penetration in the subsurface of the profiles and downstream, concomitantly with a decrease in total porosity and infiltration rate. Such data were corroborated by micro-morphological and micro- morphometric evaluation of the pores with the help of binary image analyses. It was concluded that there is a moderate impediment to the development of the surface radicular system, and more marked on the subsurface, interpreted as weak to moderate compaction, respectively, which would be capable to induce lateral hydric flux routes that cause nutrient loss above the compacted subsurface layer, mainly during rain or fertigation periods above the infiltration rate, what would explain the differences observed in this direction, demanding management adjustments so as not to compromise the agricultural sustainability of this activity.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFragaria x ananassaImpactos ambientaisSustentabilidadeTopossequênciaEnvironmental impactsSustainabilityToposequenceFITOTECNIA::FISIOLOGIA DE PLANTAS CULTIVADASComportamento morfológico, químico e físico-hídrico dos solos de área cultivada com morango em Alfredo Vasconcelos, MGMorphological, chemical and hydro-physica behavior of the soil in an area cultivated with strawberries in Alfredo Vasconcelos, state of Minas GeraisTese