2014-07-292011-04-112009-08-03CERQUEIRA, Alessandra Tenório. The tour guide in Pirenópolis (GO): a construction of an identity. 2009. 114 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1603In spite of the changes in the world of the work the occupational forms still offer important references for the construction of the individuals' identities. The tourism is an activity in the middle of the expansion that engenders a group of new social relationships and also new occupations. The municipal district of Pirenópolis - Goiás, mainly from the end of the century XX, it has been objective of demands and of tourist public politics. Guide's occupation is one of the new mischievous occupations for the tourism to Pirenópolis. This work if he/she intended to analyze her as the guide's occupational identity is built under articulation between attributed identities and incorporate identities inside the society traditional pirenopolina. For the analysis it was fallen back upon theories about social representations, identity and occupations. Historical aspects were analyzed as state public politics of the tourism, formation of the municipal district and of your economical activities. The empiric part of the study based on depth interviews with the guides and semi-structured with the local population and it aimed at to apprehend as those actors they notice the tourism in your lives.application/pdfAcesso AbertoTrabalhoturismoidentidadeWorktourismidentity1.Guia Turístico Identidade social Pirenópolis (GO) 2.Identidade (Psicologia) 3.Turismo brasileiro Pirenópolis (GO) - GuiasCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIAO guia de turismo em Pirenópolis (GO): a construção de uma identidadeThe tour guide in Pirenópolis (GO): a construction of an identityDissertação