2014-07-292010-09-022008-12-17ASSIS, Lúcia Maria de. Institutional assessment and teaching practice in education upper: voltage, mediations and impacts. 2008. 249 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1069This work, Institutional assessment and teaching in higher education: tensions, mediation and impacts , is in the research line State and educacion policies of the PPGE, in the Universidade Federal de Goiás (Federal University in Goias). The study aims to identify the impact of public policy for institutional assessment (AI) implemented by MEC/INEP in the teaching of the higher education, seizing how the teachers are living with these processes. The investigation/exposition is based on the categories totality, contradition and mediation of the dialectic-historical approach, whose analysis reference is the literature of the area of public policies of institutional assessment of the higher education and work area, formation and teacher professionalization. Among the authors found, it highlights: Dias Sobrinho; Sguissardi; Catani; Oliveira; Dourado; Cunha L.; Frigotto; Bourdieu; Cunha M.; Morosini; Mancebo; Silva Jr. and Savianni. About nine graduation courses were researched in three IES: a college, an univeristy center and an university. Documents from the three IES researched were analysed, mostly the Institutional Development Plans (PDIs). Also, focus groups were achieved with the students of the researched courses: Administration, Engineering, Law, Information Systems and Pedagogy. Semi-structured interviews were also made with the course coordinators. The teachers and the students answered the standard questionnaire. We concluded that, in the period of 1996-2006, the AI has been influenced a lot by the neoliberal principles, in the midst of an accelerated process of expansion, privatization and differentiation of the brazilian IES. This context of fast effective changes has influenced the teaching, mostly formation aspects, professionalization and effective work conditions, which the teacher is being submitted, noting an ascending intensification of the teacher work, followed by institutional pressures for greater academic productivity in work conditions increasingly precarious. There is a strong trend, especially in the private college, to an alignment of its concepts, conceptions of formation and curricula to the marketing guidelines, with strong appeal for answering the demands of the productive sector and the labor market. According to the course coordinators, the AI has implied changes in its work, in view of the nature mediator of this function in the interior of the institutions. Nevertheless, the coordinators consider that the impact of the AI in classroom has been little, though it affects the teachers life, mostly in the private IES, since the tests results started to justify the restructuring of the tables teachers, the curricular reorganization and the redefinition of the employment contracts, that are becoming more flexible. In the opinion of the teachers and students, the AI does not cause great impacts in the teaching in public universities, but has brought changes in the pedagogical practice in the private institutions. These changes can be summarized in three aspects: greater preocupation with the learning assessment because of the national tests, greater willingness in joining to the interdisciplinary in the approach of the contents and a greater interest to know the course curriculum, as well as the profile of the professional that is being formed. We can still say that the AI, in the actual ways, has not met the objective of becoming the quality of the institutions better, since it emphasizes more the qualification function, characterizing what we can call regulated expansion of higher education in Brazil.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEducação SuperiorAvaliação InstitucionalDocênciaHigher educationInstitutional AssessmentTeaching1.Educação Superior 2.Universidades e Faculdades - Avaliação 3.Ensino superior Avaliação 4.Avaliação educacional 5.Professores universitários - FormaçãoCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOAvaliação institucional e prática docente na educação superior: tensões, mediações e impactosInstitutional assessment and teaching practice in education upper: voltage, mediations and impactsTese