2014-12-302014-07-04SANTOS, Crisliane Aparecida Pereira dos. Dinâmica da paisagem e a fragilidade natural e antrópica da fronteira agrícola no Oeste da Bahia. 2014. 147 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Ambientais) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3853The formation of the agricultural frontier in Western Bahia occurred from the mid-1980s and was dependent on investments in capital and technology for the transformation of land use, through agricultural modernization in areas where soil and climatic characteristics were appropriate to their formation and expansion. However, the intrinsic link of the expansion of the agricultural frontier with the economic development policy resulted in fragmentation of the landscape and increasing incidence of environmental fragility. The specific objectives of this dissertation were: (i) to understand the temporal-spatial dynamics of the border in the Cerrado of Bahia; (ii) to develop an index that reflects the agricultural modernization process of the frontier in the Cerrado of Bahia; (iii) to analyze the heterogeneity of the border as well as the impacts of the occupation process in the Cerrado of Bahia from the socio-economic aspects point of view; (iv) to study the dynamics of landscape of Rio Preto Hydrographic Basin (BHRP) underneath the aspect of fragmentation or structural quality of the landscape by building the index of structural quality of the landscape; and (v) to distinghish the BHRP´s environmental fragility, demonstrating the interference of agricultural modernization in the environmental stability. The results indicated a lack of homogeneity in the degree of modernization among the different micro-regions as well as between the municipalities of each microregion. Barreiras, Formosa do Rio Preto, Luís Eduardo Magalhães and São Desidério municipalities were the most modernized, particularly by intensive agriculture. The increased level of agricultural modernization caused significant changes in social relations and demonstrated that the modernized agriculture showed a negative relationship with poverty and positively with Human Development Index. The data showed a continued loss of natural habitat during the thirty years of land use and occupation of the soil, followed by a change in the landscape matrix, particularly the priority sub-basins to the expansion of agriculture. At last, the economic pattern of agricultural crops, more modernized, influenced more negatively on the emerging weakness than that of livestock and on reducing the structural quality of the basin resulting from fragmentation of the landscape.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFronteiraModernizaçãoFragmentaçãoFragilidade ambientalFrontierEnvironmental fragilityModernizationFragmentationENGENHARIA SANITARIA::SANEAMENTO AMBIENTALDinâmica da paisagem e a fragilidade natural e antrópica da fronteira agrícola no Oeste da BahiaDynamics of landscape and the fragility natural and anthropic of agricultural frontier in Western BahiaTese