2014-11-212012-11-05PIMENTA, Vanda Ambrósia. Recorrelações de gênero em contos da antologia do conto goiano II. 2013. 142 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3669The purpose of this research is to examine the presence of gender relations in five goianos tales, especially the violence of male characters against female characters and the degree of acceptance or resistance to the phenomenon. The stories analyzed are part of the second volume of the Antologia do conto goiano, organized by Vera Maria Tietzmann Silva and Maria Zaira Turchi (1994). As a result of the literary object, we address the evolution of the gender system from the development of civilization until the twentieth century, showing the emergence and perpetuation of the structure of male domination, even after the maturity of feminist struggles. These struggles, however, are not systematically studied, appearingonly in scattered references. With regard to adhesion and to the resistance, we call attention to the fact that identities are socially and politically constructed, in order to establish dominant and dominated groups, and generated cognition of this division as natural and therefore inevitable. The internalization of constructed identities demand constant work of situated agents and, in the case of generic identities, this is played by the institutions and men, with their violent practices. The continuous effect of these practices is leading to adhesion of dominated to dominant, as in almost all of the stories analyzed. Nevertheless, the characters explored also offer a degree of resistance, adopting defensive attitudes, which, however, does not solve the problem. Neither can transpose radically negative condition, usually faced by females.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAntologia do conto goiano IILliteratura goianaRelações de gêneroViolênciaDominação masculinaAntologia do conto goiano IILiterature from GoiásGender relationsViolenceMale dominationLETRAS::LITERATURA COMPARADARecorrelações de gênero em contos da antologia do conto goiano IIGender recorrelations in tales from antologia do conto goiano IIDissertação