2014-07-292011-01-282010-03-19GRIJÓ, Wesley Pereira. Media and culture:a study of television and cultural identity in Itamatatiua. 2010. 217 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Sociais Aplicadas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1395This research addresses how communication and culture are related in the black community of Itamatatiua. It examines the mediation from the process of reception of television. The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between cultural identity Itamatatiua, manifested in certain practices and cultural values, and the process of receiving the TV, increasing knowledge about the mediation of culture in the reception of media content. The research was guided by theoretical and methodological thinking of cultural studies, with contributions follow the same path in relation to identity and communication. For this, the research was conducted in a qualitative way, using a variety of technical tools such as individual interviews and family groups, with themes focusing on the mediation of TV reception and the constitution of cultural identity. Data collection occurred through field work, conducted with eight families and their relationship with telev ision, so the study focused on the mediation of cultural identity and family life. Field work combine some techniques such as consumption questionnaire, ethnographic observation, semi -structured interviews, group interviews with families. They were supplemented by visits in the community of Itamatatiua since 2007 and complemented with visits during the year 2009/2010. The second step was the processing of data, developed through the following steps: transcription of data contained in all instruments of data collection, tabulation and analysis of such data, which resulted in a descriptive and interpretive. In research conducted for the analysis of ancient communication context, the oral tradition, he was explicit that there is a specific system of communication between that traditional community. Oral tradition has fulfilled the role of informing and print opinions of those people. What helped to establish over the years, their cultural identity. Finally, research on the reception of TV, found that the cultural identity that maroons operate mediations significant telev ision reception, which acts as reference systems, from which the television message is consumed and interpreted. Thus, the content of this medium can be interpreted by the audience as their cultural competence.application/pdfAcesso AbertoRecepçãoTelevisãoMediaçõesIdentidadeCulturaReceptionTelevisionMediationsIdentityCultureCNPQ::CIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::COMUNICACAOMídia e cultura: um estudo da televisão e da identidade cultural no quilombo de ItamatatiuaMedia and culture:a study of television and cultural identity in ItamatatiuaDissertação