2021-03-232021-03-232020-10-29PERES, Thalitta Fernandes de Carvalho. Ensino desenvolvimental e aprendizagem da Matemática: a formação do conceito de raiz quadrada no ensino fundamental. 2020. 244 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11192The goal of this thesis is the process of teaching and learning mathematics, particularly the concept of exact square root and the development of theoretical thought in the 6th grade of elementary school. To investigate the relations between mathematics teaching and development at this stage of primary Education, we sought foundations in historical-cultural theory and developmental teaching theory, considering that this is a peculiar period in the students' lives, from the transition from the initial years to the final years.This moment also marks the beginning of the transition from study activity to personal intimate communication activity. In addition, the research question is: how does the theory of developmental teaching contribute to the process of teaching and learning mathematics in the 6th grade of elementary school marked by the transition of the main activity? In this context, the general objective is to analyze the process of appropriation of the concept of exact square root among students of the 6th grade of elementary school, from a teaching and learning process based on the theory of developmental teaching. As specific objectives, we have: to investigate the conceptual network inserted in the concept of exact square root as a basis for the elaboration of study tasks for students; to analyze the study activity for the learning of this concept and the development of theoretical thought, and discuss the possibilities of the theory of developmental teaching for the development of theoretical thought. Aside from the bibliographic research, an empirical work was developed called didactic-formative experiment, to research didactic procedures that favored the learning and development of students in this school period of a state school in the city of Iporá-GO. This path presented in this research reveals that it is not any teaching that promotes the development of students, but there is a theory of teaching that responds to the possibility of helping students overcome what is called learning difficulties in Mathematics. It is emphasized that the study tasks based on davydovian propositions contributed to the transformation of motives and the emergence of the need to learn new concepts, contemplating the mental actions of reflection, analysis and the interior plane of actions. Another important aspect of this theory is that it drives collaborative work, which enhanced the development of superior psychological functions, such as: voluntary care; cooperation; memory; perception and thought, evidencing intimate and personal communication as the main activity of adolescents. Thus, it is advocated that the theory of developmental teaching contributes to the formation of theoretical thought of students of the 6th grade of elementary school, characterized by substantial abstractions and generalizations. And yet, in the process of teaching and learning mathematics there is no gift or talent, but development.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalEnsino e aprendizagem da MatemáticaTeoria do ensino desenvolvimental6º ano do ensino fundamentalRaiz quadrada exataTeaching and learning MathematicsTheory of developmental education6th grade of elementary schoolExact square rootCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOEnsino desenvolvimental e aprendizagem da Matemática: a formação do conceito de raiz quadrada no ensino fundamentalDevelopmental teaching and learning of mathematics: the formation of the concept of square root in elementary schoolTese