2014-07-292011-05-172011-02-14DOURADO, José Aparecido Lima. Modernization of Agriculture: expropriation peasant and precarization of the work in the agro business of the mango in Livramento de Nossa Senhora (BA). 2011. 234 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1859The present dissertation has as objective to understand the occurred transformations in the agriculture of Release of Ours Lady (BA) from the implantation of the Project of Irrigation of the Valley of the River Brumado, in the decade of 1980, and it s unfolding as for the capital relation versus work in the mangoculture. The choice of the clipping space-weather took in consideration the action of the Politics of Irrigation for the Northeast in the local space, when the State search s through the infrastructure availability to modernize the territory and thus to supply the adequate conditions so that the great capital can be territoriality. The territorilization of the great capital in Release of Ours Lady occurs through the agro business centered in the fruit farming irrigated based in the mango production. In this direction, the new space dynamic in the field how much in the city, decurrent of the functionality become in such a way evident that the city assumes as fruit farming producing polar region. The farming s directed toward the production of sorts of first necessity had started to occupy each time little space and, on the other hand, the mangoculture has verified a considerable growth, placing the city as an importer of basic products of the feeding as it is the case of the rice and the beans. The methodology used during the research was correct in the qualitative boarding. In the theoretical referential we argue the concepts of campesinato and work in the context of the implantation of the projects of irrigation in Brazilian Half-Barren, based in the studies on the simulation of the campesinato while product of the different and combined development of the capitalism. Problematic on who is the benefited ones with the actions of the Politics of north-eastern implemented Irrigation half-barren, in order to bring to a bob the contradictions and movements that permeate such actions, whose resulted they have camouflaged for the State to take care of to the demands of the financial capital. In this context we defend the importance to think the citizens that live in Brazilian Half-Barren from its singularity, having for this the necessity to search to appraise this citizen as caatingueiro peasant for recognizing that its way of life, in its different aspects (cultural, social and economic) differs significantly from the called citizens of sertanejos . With the insertion of the agrobusiness of the mango in the city one witnessed deep transformations in the relations of work in the field, as almost the extinguishing of not capitalist relations of production (partnership and would mearia ) to the step that had an intensification of the salaried. The exploration on urban peasants and workers has increased, being that the presence of the contractors cats has contributed for in such a way, finding these busy ones temporarily in activities in the farmings, sheds and packing houses, in its majority without having guaranteed the labor laws, has seen that they work as buoy-cold and day-workers without register in wallet and under precarious conditions of work.application/pdfAcesso AbertoProjeto de Irrigação no Nordeste SemiáridoAgronegócio da mangaCamponês caatingueiroPrecarização do trabalhoLivramento de Nossa Senhora.Half-BarrenProject of IrrigationAgrobusiness of the mangoCaatingueiro peasantPrecarious of the work.1.Projeto irrigação-nordeste 2. Agronegócio-manga 3. Precarização do trabalho- camponês 4. Agronegócio da manga- Livramento de Nossa Senhora(BA)CNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAModernização da Agricultura: expropriação camponesa e precarização do trabalho no agronegócio da manga em Livramento de Nossa Senhora (BA)Modernization of Agriculture: expropriation peasant and precarization of the work in the agro business of the mango in Livramento de Nossa Senhora (BA)Dissertação