2023-03-092023-03-092022-04-23CAROLINE, L. Água no sistema solar: uma proposta para formação de professores dos anos iniciais sob a perspectiva do conceito de dialogicidade em Paulo Freire. 2022. 119 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação em Ciências e Matemática) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12670This research aims to study the contributions and challenges arising from a mini-course on Astronomy and Astrobiology aimed at the initial training of teachers of the early years, from the perspective of socioscientific questions and the concept of dialogicity in Paulo Freire. The research, in turn, brings relevant information about the discoveries and scientific evidences about the presence of water in planets and satellites of our Solar System, since this information can be important to be addressed in the Natural Sciences area. The methodology used is qualitative research, with the case study as the research plan. Thus, documentary analyses were performed on the class plans and the students' speeches, during the implementation of the mini-course, held in a Higher Education Institution (IES).The results indicated that the students had more difficulties in relation to the scientific contentes approached than with the methodological concepts proposed. It is concluded that the challenges are great, being them a long formative path to be worked, in relation to the contents of Astrobiology, linked to that of Astronomy in the early years of Elementary School. Thus, it is expected that new research will be done to insert socioscientific questions (QSC) in the early years of Elementary School. This is because QSC makes it possible to develop curiosity, exploration, and stimulation to formulate questions and hypotheses, in order to broaden the understanding of the necessary scientific knowledge related to the phenomena of nature present in our Solar System.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalEnsino em astronomia e astrobiologiaFormação de professoresDialogicidadeÁgua no sistema solarWater in the solar systemTeaching in astronomy and astrobiologyTeacher trainingDialogicityOUTROSÁgua no sistema solar: uma proposta para formação de professores dos anos iniciais sob a perspectiva do conceito de dialogicidade em Paulo FreireWater in the solar system: a proposal for teacher training from the early years from the perspective of the concept of dialogicity in Paulo FreireDissertação